Is Leo Laporte Describing Himself or Donald Trump?

Leo having a realization.
Leo having a realization.

Leo Laporte described himself for several minutes while intending to describe Donald Trump, as you can see in the video above.

Perhaps he’s going to make TWiT great again by building a wall between him and Total Drama, and he’ll make Andrew Zarian pay for it.

46 thoughts on “Is Leo Laporte Describing Himself or Donald Trump?”

    1. Leo itches to do a political show where he would be like every other liberal railing against the Republicans thinking people would be entertained by me-too analysis. His sense of things is very shallow. I think he knows this and will not do much. Besides, he does too much unwelcome politics on his shows already.

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    2. Using this site’s VCR, you can find the start of this video at..

      13:53 Saturday Mar 12, 2016
      31:50 – It is where the above video has Leo starting to talk about Trump in terms that would also describe himself.

      Other items I found of some interest while using the DVR that occurred last Saturday are..

      12:53 Saturday Mar 12, 2016
      4:50 – Well hey hey hey.. Leo mentions what happened with the Trump rally in Chicago as “it was very scary” and then says “like brown shirts”. After that, Leo tells of reading an 1922 article about Hitler. Leo: “ would be hard to establish a dictatorship in the U.S.”, then starts to list a bunch of lies Trump recently told.

      13:53 saturday Mar 12, 2016
      18:45 – Leo is talking about cheap steak cuts and says “it’s a Donald Trump steak” and mentions NPR tried to get a “Trump Steak” and found QVC still had a listing for them.. “it’s ground beef” and then Leo makes the WEIRDEST HIGH PITCH LAUGH NOISE EVER!!!!!! That laughs goes on for 15 seconds!! Within a few more minutes, Leo repeats that same noise a couple of more times.

      36:19 – Leo: “Let us move into the other room so I can piss out people more freely.” (Editorial comment: Then Leo grabs his $4000+ Leica Q camera which he now seems to carry around with all the time even though he says the Samsung S7 Edge makes wonderful pictures. Apparently not as wonderful as the Leica. Leo did mention during “The Tech Guy” about doing a iPhone 6S, S7 Edge and Leica camera quality showdown.)

      37:14 – Leo mentions to “Gary” that he ordered two of something and he will give Gary one of them.

      41:23 – Leo: “That’s why Sonos is hurting”, then says “unfortunately I’ve spent thousands of dollars on..” then the video stops.

      44:20 – Calvin Hughes sent Leo first issue MacWorld and MACazine magazines along with some Macintosh poster (Editorial comment: Looking for a place to get rid of all your old tech junk.. send it to Leo)

      46:55 – Leo: “We have goats by our house” (Editorial comment: Not sure if this is better or worse than Dvorak having ANTS!)

      52:30 – Leo is now a “Hamilton” expert and starts to explain some history of Hamilton to Liberty Madison but is quickly cut off as Liberty starts talking about how she likes line dancing and country music. While Liberty talks about being “country”, Leo mentions TWICE about a stain on his pants and that it looks like he has been naughty (he basically tells the same suggestive “joke” twice within a minute or so)

      59:00 – Leo is still moaning about the stain on his pants.

      59:50 – Leo is discussion Liberty’s genealogy and says “trace your lineage back to (pause) the (pause) PLANTATION” and then Leo starts to freak with joy when Liberty says her last name comes from “James Freaking Madison”.

      14:53 Saturday Mar 12, 2016
      2:40 – Leo: “Obama.. jerk.. jerky jerk” for Obama thinking the Government can stop encryption on phones

      15:53 Saturday Mar 12, 2016
      59:20 – Leo to Liberty at the end of TNSS: “We are going to talk to you on Tuesday about how we can work more together. You’re just fabulous.” Then Liberty gets her phone out to take a video of Leo repeating what he just said. Apparently Liberty was on TNSS to basically promote herself as several times she had her camera out taking pics/video and pointing to her shirt which says @libertymadison. While Liberty videos Leo, he can’t be straight and ends up talking like Thurston Howell III saying he wants Liberty to work with TWiT as a “social media guru”.

      16:53 Saturday Mar 12, 2016
      00:10 – Leo goes off in a hick accent about the stain on his pants. Then Leo does his Mr Magoo voice while a Magoo cartoon plays in a box

      03:25 – Leo goes off on more “Hamilton” talk concerning the writer/creator of Hamilton tweeting “I owe everything to Dickie D.. I grew up reading him.” and Dick didn’t ask that guy for tickets to the show which Leo then says “I should tell Dick how much I paid to get Hamilton tickets”

      6:10 – Liberty hangs around Leo taking video of him

      10:00 – More “Hamilton” talk from Leo.. he admits he is blowing off his daughter Abby’s birthday to go to New York.. “I feel she’s mad at me” (Editorial comment: Sorry Abby but Uncle Leo has a new family now!)

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  1. If anyone needed further proof that Leo is an asshole this right here is it, the whole Trump kerfuffle.

    He has now spent hours in total on Trump and the election in general, whatever happened to not getting political? Was that never a rule for him? Most media at least try to appear politically unbiased.

    He doesn’t care about integrity, it’s his network that runs on his money so he can say what he wants. I guess…

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    1. It’s just further proof that he’s a total amateur, and a narcissist who just can’t help himself, no matter how destructive his comments are to TWiT.

      Honestly, I could get deeper political insight from any network. Leave the politics out of it and focus on the technology.

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    1. Darth Vader said:
      I findLeo’s lack of self-awareness disturbing

      Most psychopaths are not self-aware.

      Most people who have been diagnosed as psychopaths understand cognitively what the label means. However, a conversation of any depth will reveal pretty quickly that they do not seem to have any true understanding of what it is that they don’t have– empathy, conscience, caring, etc.

      There is an hidden level of self-entitlement there which is rock solid and all but absolute and basically invisible to almost everyone almost all the time. And so perhaps they understand they don’t have a conscience, cognitively, but they don’t really grasp how this affects others and what it means. They don’t care.

      Psychopaths also never display genuine humor. They can make jokes, but these are really surface level jokes made for effect– artifices– which are often canned or blunt. We see Leo doing this all the time.

      So a good way to think about it is do people who have no sense of humor know that they aren’t funny? They can’t.

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      1. Tina Walse said: Psychopaths also never display genuine humor. They can make jokes, but these are really surface level jokes made for effect– artifices– which are often canned or blunt. We see Leo doing this all the time.

        That “Leo Laugh” is the most FAKE insincere chuckle I’ve ever heard. This guy doesn’t have the ability to be sincere emotionally.

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        1. You two may be on to something. I have never heard Leo ever manage to actually tell a joke. He can only do snide remarks and sarcasm. And his mate Lisa cannot even understand any of that. She has zero sense of humor.

          I don’t mind someone who at least tries to tell a joke and has fun with doing a crappy job. But he never tells a joke because he has no sense of humor at all. The fake “Leo Laugh” covers it up. Yes, he is an insane psychopath.

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  2. Here is the thing with people who don’t agree with Trump, they act like he should not have the right to run and speak his mind because they don’t agree. If you don’t like him, don’t vote for him. Simple.

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    1. Joel Osteen said:
      Here is the thing with people who don’t agree with Trump, they act like he should not have the right to run and speak his mind because they don’t agree.If you don’t like him, don’t vote for him. Simple.

      The only people who actually believe that are crazy and/or ignorant people. Why do you feel the need to defend Trump – a billionaire and possible president of the United States – from crazy/ignorant people. I wish I could care about anything as much as people care about this dumb political theater shit.

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  3. Hello pot, it’s the kettle calling! Lol, this guy is such a blow hard . Did anyone catch yesterday after TWIT where he spent 1/2 hour huffin’ and puffin’ cause his Amazon black speaker tube gadget wasn’t working? Pure comedy I tell you. It was later revealed that he had been using an incorrect power adapter, so much for theeeee tech guy, knowing even basic troubleshooting. After they got the thing working he proceeded to order and cancel several things including condoms. Then, he throws his wife under the bus saying her Amazon account would reveal “12 different kinds of condoms” as previous orders wow! I damn near did a spittake on that one, ha.


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    1. He’s a vile human being… and why condoms? Lisa is too good for the pill?

      Actually he should get a vasectomy, he probably has no testosterone anyway if his purse fetish is any indication.

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  4. If the mainstream is against Trump, the people are for him. All of the H1B visas are displacing tech workers for a third of the money. Welcome to outsourced America, coming to a company near you. There is nothing to lose by putting Trump in there at this point to shake the bag of popcorn up a bit.

    Leo and his shirt are narcissist to the core and he doesn’t hide it either, so he’s a Trump guy too whether he admits it or not. Or maybe all is good in LeoVille and the gravy train keeps bringing the gravy?

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    1. The people who are for Trump back him because he’s an outsider, and he has some good ideas about trade agreements, tariffs, and healthcare. But he is also a demagogue, and pretty stupid, which makes people distrust him.

      I think we could easily end up with President Trump because voters are uninformed.

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      1. So get rid of your democracy, problem solved.

        That is the inherent problem with democracy. You can end up with idiots in the top office. But that doesn’t mean if Trump win in November then America in 2017 = Germany in the 30s.

        Hitler took nearly a decade to consolidate his power, he not only abolished the office of President, kicked out Hindeburg and made himself fuhrer. He also broke a bunch of international treaties that were put in place after WWI.

        If Trump actually does that there’s plenty of time to speak out, and there’s checks and balances in place if Trump does anything more than hurt a feeling or two. Right now all you anti-Trump people are doing is being anti-democracy, and demonstrating that you have an elementary view of history.

        Either way, November can’t come soon enough. The rest of the world is tired of this bullshit.

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        1. Not to be pedantic, but the U.S. is a republic, not a democracy, precisely to avoid the situation you describe.

          If Trump really were the next Hitler, the Electoral College can vote for anyone they want, they aren’t bound by the popular vote. This has happened before, and John Quincy Adams, Rutherford B. Hayes, Benjamin Harrison, and George W. Bush were all elected president by the Electoral College despite failing to win the popular vote. It pisses people off, but it doesn’t destroy the republic.

          Trump is either politicking, or doesn’t understand the powers of the office. The president can’t just spend money, it has to be appropriated by Congress, and the president can’t just decide to use military might against Mexico in order to force them to pay for a wall, he needs a declaration of war from Congress. Now, there’s nothing stopping Trump from enforcing existing anti-trust laws and thereby implementing his $300B drug savings, but I’m not sure how that would square with Medicare Part D which is already law.

          Maybe Trump is the right choice because he claims he can negotiate with democrats in Congress, but having a spirited debate about whether he’s the right man for the job or not is TOTALLY American. Maybe you’re seeing different coverage than I am, but nobody is saying that Trump should be prevented from running. I think it’s interesting that members of the Republican party and some Democrats are concerned that he might get the nomination, but it’s a little late for that now. They should have worried about that when they were implementing policies which redistributed wealth from the middle class to the top, fomenting a populist voter revolt. Anyone who has studied history could have seen this coming.

          If Trump wins the election, and isn’t declared president, his followers might erupt in violent revolt (surely some of us on the left wanted that after the election was declared for George W. Bush), but I kind of doubt that.

          Nobody in the U.S. wants a French or Russian revolution. I think we’re just too lazy as a country to become that pissed off any more.

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        2. Jimmy Jam said:
          So get rid of your democracy, problem solved.

          That is the inherent problem with democracy. You can end up with idiots in the top office. But that doesn’t mean if Trump win in November then America in 2017 = Germany in the 30s.

          Hitler took nearly a decade to consolidate his power, he not only abolished the office of President, kicked out Hindeburg and made himself fuhrer. He also broke a bunch of international treaties that were put in place after WWI.

          If Trump actually does that there’s plenty of time to speak out, and there’s checks and balances in place if Trump does anything more than hurt a feeling or two. Right now all you anti-Trump people are doing is being anti-democracy, and demonstrating that you have an elementary view of history.

          Either way, November can’t come soon enough. The rest of the world is tired of this bullshit.

          TYFYC Jimmy Jam.

          Love and Light.

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  5. Narcissism and psychopathy are a spectrum, blending into each other. One’s a garden variety narcissist, the other is far more troubling to contemplate in a position of actual power.

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  6. Anyone saw the iOS Today segment with the “smart bra” where Megan tried uncomfortably to make light of Leo’s pathetic harassing jokes about the subject?

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    1. joe is a scriptkiddie said:
      Anyone saw the iOS Today segment with the “smart bra” where Megan tried uncomfortably to make light of Leo’s pathetic harassing jokes about the subject?

      joe is a scriptkiddie said:
      Anyone saw the iOS Today segment with the “smart bra” where Megan tried uncomfortably to make light of Leo’s pathetic harassing jokes about the subject?

      I saw that. It was sad, because in seemingly trying to be polite, Megan was enabling Leo in his harrassment by giving him the cover to go, “Oh, it’s no big deal, she’s cool with it, I can joke about wanting to see her in her bra and it’s totes not directing sexual thoughts out loud to an employee on the job.”

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  7. Leo like Trump is pure id… The id “knows no judgements of value: no good and evil, no morality. … Instinctual cathexes seeking discharge—that, in our view, is all there is in the id.”

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  8. How ironic is it that this man can not see that he is an obviously huge narcissist.

    If you observe Leo for 10 mins. (that is all it takes) you see he is phony, has no empathy, sees himself has the center of the universe.

    Here is how it works:
    Leo has an algorithm in his mind. A look-up chart if you will. Whenever anyone mentions anything, he immediately looks up on his chart how it relates to him, and his life. He then proceeds in the context of him being the subject matter.

    You mention X :: “I looooooooove X”

    You are planning a trip to X :: “Oh I have been to X, blah blah blah about X”

    You have x :: “I have something better, or am getting something better than x”

    Also look for the :

    ” I am eating”, “I will eat”, “I want to eat”
    “I can’t wait”
    “I am soo excited”

    Watch when he has many people around him, how instead of making others feel good and center them, he centers himself.

    Another big sign, is how he consciously tries to hide this by over compensating with phony Dale Carnegie techniques.

    “That is great”, “Oh Neat”, “And what do you do”, “Fun”, “Interesting”

    He tries to pretend to care about others with these phony techniques.

    You will notice Leo also withdraws from the reality a lot, by going into “Silly modes”, or hanging on an accent, or song, or phrase, or fake laughing, snorting, or hyper focusing on some focus point that allows him to refrain from being his real self.

    It’s sad actually.

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    1. Yep, you hit it on the head. Great job!

      It’s funny (or also sad?) how all of us at one time fell for his shallow antics and assumed he was a genuine likeable guy, but I guess when you watch/listen to someone for as long as we have going back to the Tech TV days, you start noticing patterns and quirks and eventually the truth is told about how phony he really is.

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    2. But the best part: none of his pretend enthusiasm or ham-handed attempts at comedy require any knowledge of the subject being discussed.

      Leo could be indispensable, but that would require making an effort to be informed. Come on people, he’s way to important for that! It’s much easier just to rehash stuff other people have said on his other shows.

      Basically, all his netcasts are show preparation for his paying gig on the weekends. Without them, he couldn’t do his shows on Saturday or Sunday because he wouldn’t know anything!

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      1. macsimcon said:
        Basically, all his netcasts are show preparation for his paying gig on the weekends. Without them, he couldn’t do his shows on Saturday or Sunday because he wouldn’t know anything!

        Leo is clueless show prep or not. Weekend caller asks why his fresh install of Vista broke his laptops wireless connection. Leo fumbled around, but fails to mention the clean install wireless driver probably doesn’t support his 7 plus year newer wireless router. My standard fix is to use a cheep wireless USB dongle and load the dongles latest driver. $20 fix. Leo did mention hooking the laptops Ethernet directly to the router, he should have left it there, but no, he fumbles on confusing himself and his listeners to new depths of shit advise.

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  9. The bloated womanizer doesn’t seems to grasp the irony of his statements. He is the proverbial clusterfuck monstrosity. He stumbles from one insensitive statement to another then another and another. Does he think there is a prize for it? Maybe he hopes to be Donald Trumps running mate.

    As for his daughter, she’s in her twenties, old enough to get skanked out of her mind , maybe she should seek out Chad Johnson and make a night or two, well maybe a minute of two of it. It’d be more entertaining than being made a mockery of by her dad telling the world that she can’t manage her finances. She’d at least be with one of her fellow Leo cast offs.

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  10. Thank you to totaldrama.

    I don’t blame anyone (at totaldrama) about the articles not being what they were in the golden era because they used to have a lot of people working there (Ghostdod, helloworld, lkkalif, mike elgum, Richardyes, skiest) and now they seem to have one guy left. The comments are great now. I have a suggestion here. I think totaldrama should post more but only put in 5-6 line articles like this one and leave the clips unedited. This will increase the frequency BUT the workload decrease because of less writing/editing.

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