Patrick Norton looks like total shit

Patrick Norton looks like hell. Nice runny nose, Patrick.
Patrick Norton looks like hell. Nice runny nose, Patrick.

Patrick Norton looks like total shit. Check out the screen grab from his most-recent solo performance on “This Week in Computer Hardware.” Sans Ryan Shrout, the ever-runny-nosed Norton was fumbling about like a wino searching for his bottle (and looked even worse). Perhaps Patrick is an alcoholic? He at least should hope for any kind of excuse for those blood-red eyes, otherwise he should probably get looked at by a brain-tumor specialist.

Anyway, why does Leo continue to support this loser? Patrick’s heyday was so long ago that we at Total Drama don’t even remember why he’s even marginally famous in the tech community.

It’s time for this barely-employed fuck to shuffle on outta here. Leo likes to make fun of some members of the editorial board here at Total Drama for “living in our basements” but take a look at the above picture and tell us who’s living in a basement. Hint: It’s none of us.

112 thoughts on “Patrick Norton looks like total shit”

      1. What does being cool have to do with his abysmal appearance? All i know is he doesn’t give a shit about the way he looks and I’m just calling him out on that. He’s supposed to be doing a show, some of that is not looking like he came from the neanderthal ice age. Plus the entire show he was just reading a fucking website and rambling on incoherently. Continue to live in your world where Patrick is “cool” bro. He’s a mess on every level.

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  1. Why is HelloWorld allowed to contribute content when he is clearly a cock slurping, ass ramming faggot who adds zero value and refuses to do what God made him for which is to eat a dick?

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  2. This post was to prove that it’s not just Christina Warren and Lindsey Turrentine who look like complete Ziploc bags full of ugly. Men can also look equally as if they’d just fallen face-first into a pot of shit with no towel to wipe the fugly off their faces.

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    1. HelloWorld: So you write a post that TWIT men can look like hell and these fucking trolls insult you with homophobic remarks. Fuck ’em.

      And Norton’s another breeder who often talks about the two kids his wife has shit out.

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    2. All I have to say is +33 to HelloWorld for being chief troll. He has trolled you all very nicely with this demonstrative post. This comment section is now a pile of shit and I cannot stop laughing. TYFYC HelloWorld. You are one fine man, both attractive and an moral pillar. Thanks for the laughs and yes Patrick Norton does look like a cumdumpsterfire in that screengrab. I also know how to make myself look like a cumdumpsterfire and not care about it. The difference between Patrick and Christina and Lindsey is that the latter 2 names try hard to present themselves as upkept. Patrick just does not give one fuck. I like that about Patrick. Also, when Patrick really does care about something his effort is infinite. I’ve noticed that too.

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      1. I believe, uh … Jimmy, that Norman means that if someone looks badly because he has had a rough go of it due to a serious illness that it is cruel to make sport of the after effects of that illness.
        Of course, anyone can look bad in one pic. The last time I saw Patrick, about a month or two ago, he looked fine.

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          1. Exactly Jimbo. All this crazy talk about “mental illness” is total bullshit. PTSD, addiction, schizophrenia are just character flaws. It’s a known fact. And this “germ theory” of disease too. Just total B.S.

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          2. Just like kids today who are “diagnosed” with ADD…when I was growing up, those kids were just considered dopey and stupid! And you know what, once they grew up, they were okay – without the crutch of having a “disorder.”

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      1. Patrick mentions the length of his sobriety (13 years AFAIR) most every time Las Vegas comes up on a show, as well a number of times when the talk turns to partying.

        So of course he looks like an alcoholic, and he’ll look like an alcoholic for the rest of his life.

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        1. 13 years, huh? Sounds like he needs to let it go then!

          I don’t buy this Dr. Drew bullshit where you’re in recovery for the remainder of your life. Guy had a drinking problem, took care of it ages ago. He doesn’t need to go around boasting about how long he’s been sober.

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    1. Fuck you – I look better and drink more than that piece of shit, router talking, ‘tough’ guy. After my intro, TNSS has been downhill ever since. The only good thing about TWIT these days are the plentiful Casper boxes they leave in the alley behind the studio and any screen time for Tonya.

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  3. Hello’s posts are made from templates. He just just inserts a different name into the blanks. The upside is that he will soon run out of names.

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  4. Once HelloWorld runs out of names, he will recycle the list and grab a screen shot of Megan Moron from TN2. Picking on her is simply reaching for the low hanging fruit.

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  5. Patrick Norton is a-ok by me. Plus it takes a saint to put up with Leo’s shit. Interestingly, Patrick is a rare figure in that Leo generally doesn’t mess with Patrick in any overt way. Probably knows that he more than likely has a sledgehammer handy at any given moment.

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  6. When Helloworld finally reveals himself I’m sure we will all have plenty of pot calling the kettle black jokes to make. That day is coming a sooner than latter.

    In other news, wtf is up with Norton, I think he’s hitting the bottle again.

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    1. Mr. World has already revealed himself through his “writing.” And a pot calling the kettle black is an understatement. For instance, he rails against Megan for being racist, then (in these comments to a Latino commenter) says, Jorge: Your comment and your Mexican name are both dumb.

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  7. I think Patrick is kind of hot but, man, he doesn’t shut his mouth on TekThing and let Shannon talk.

    He talks add much as Myriam what’s-her-name.

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  8. I have nothing against Patrick but couldn’t he have a nicer looking background behind him? He looks like he’s sitting in the corner of a some storage room. Also what’s with these hosts/guests that place their web cams so low that your getting a first hand view of the inside of their nostrils. Leo wants to be the CNN of tech but these amateurish looking pod casts make him far from being such.

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  9. I remember when Patrick had hair….. good times back then…

    Patrick has been on more canceled shows than pretty near anyone else. He has passed up many opportunities in the Valley that left others very very rich. If you want a successful career, it may be a good idea to watch Patrick closely and do the OPPOSITE of what ever he his doing.

    It was really an all-time low when he was on tekzilla and doing a segment on how to change out a toilet…. all I can say is WTF???

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  10. Hey Dave Racusin, I can’t reply to your post directly so here is your reply:

    Thanks for putting words in my mouth. I actually do not disregard people with PTSD or other valid mental issues. But addiction is not a mental illness, it’s something people resort to in order to self-medicate their mental illnesses.

    Has Norton ever discussed PTSD, depression, abuse or anything like that? Maybe he doesn’t suffer from mental issues, maybe he used to be a drunk because he’s so god damn ugly that he couldn’t stand to look at his face in the mirror? Who knows, either way his face looks like hacky sack with down’s snydrome.

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    1. I look at it this way. You can either believe the DSM-5, the official manual of psychiatric disorders of The American Psychiatric Association which lists addiction and alcoholism as illnesses as do all other organizations of mental health professionals.

      Or you can believe Jimmy.

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  11. Dr. Hoopstein: No one forces anyone to have a drink. Or shoot up with heroin. Or take illegal drugs.

    It’s their choice and if they become alcoholics or drug addicts, I couldn’t care less.

    Personal responsibility.

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  12. I actually do like Patrick, and he does actually bathe and change his 3 day old clothes when recording Tech Thing. However he has always “phoned it in” for Leo’s shows. However most of Leo’s podcasts are with the tech journalist who are between jobs, or are not even tech saavy enough to know what is wrong with Skype or their computer when something goes wrong with Skype or their computer. I can’t even count the number of times I’ve watched the pre-shows with the supposed tech journalists Leo has on, and they can’t even figure out what hole to plug a microphone into or they can’t find the camera button in the Skype window. Granted Patrick is a smarter than most of the so called tech journalists Leo has, but Patrick’s show airs live so late at night, he is either half asleep, drunk, or probably wanting to Netflix and chill instead of having to podcast for a million dollar You Tube it from your bedroom operation like TWiT. Perhaps if Leo paid any real money instead of using it as a tax write off for what he gets paid by Premier, or getting what he can for free from friends Leo’s “old farts of tech who You Tube it from home while the wife takes care of the kids network” it will look like a real production.

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      1. Lawsuits take time to set up properly. I’m sure they’ve got a New York lawyer ready to serve HelloWorld for his remarks about Megan. Those are obviously defamation to even the most junior lawyer.

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        1. Of course they are. Many people have been successfully sued for much much less than what’s been printed here in earlier posts. They’re open and shut cases, but if you can’t find the folks who are responsible and they have no assets anyway ……

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          1. Wilhelm: Yeah, right. Where did you learn that? University of Phoenix Law School??

            Calling someone ugly, stupid, douchey, etc are protected speech. Period. Politicians are called this all the time and notice they never sue….

            Please cite for us SPECIFIC judgements where opinions such as these have prevailed in a US Court for defamation.

            And fuck that ugly, fat, housefrau Megan.

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    1. Cdn2015: There will never be a lawsuit, because nothing illegal has been done. PATRICK LOOKS LIKE SHIT. And that is defensible in any court in the world. Just look at the picture.

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  13. You can’t hide behind the First Amendment if what you say injures another’s reputation and the injury is inflicted with reckless disregard for the truth.

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    1. Art: Okay, troll. Here it is one more time. Calling someone ugly , etc. has nothing to do with a person’s reputation. It is AN OPINION AND NOT A STATEMENT OF FACT. It is not actionable in the least.

      Understand, Clarence Darrow??

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    1. Fauxjournalist: You’re reading my posts. So it looks as if I’m important in at least a small way in your life. On your deathbed, you will look toward the ceiling and think, “HelloWorld is my God.”

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        1. People have the right to say what they want, I hate to say this, but HW has every right to say Patrick is ugly, doesn’t mean I agree with him.
          Also, in the DSM-5 alcoholism is a disease, it’s part of addiction. A person with addiction has an issue with brain chemistry. I know this, because I’m taking psychology in college.
          To read about alcoholism here is the link for the DSM-5 definition of it:

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          1. The DSM can go fuck itself.

            It’s designed to keep people on the pharmaceutical train until they croak. Everyone is fucked up to some degree if you look at the DSM long enough.

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          2. Actually people don’t have the right to say *whatever* they want. You have the right to say someone is ugly or stupid, but you don’t have a right to say someone has done bad things to children if they haven’t, for just one example. There are many others.

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    2. Fucking Faux: What we say is PROTECTED SPEECH. Norton’s a goddamn monkey-faced loser who is totally up Leo’s arse like you.

      Looks like he bathes monthly ast best.

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  14. My comment about the limits of the First Amendment was not a specific reply to the post about someone being ugly. Incessantly expressing one’s obsession with other people’s ugliness is absurd, sad, and itself quite ugly but definitely protected. Sorry for the confusion.

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  15. Ad nauseam, Holden keeps accusing commenters of saying something they never said. Namely: That it’s unconstitutional to blog about someone’s ugliness. He is diverting attention from the inconvenient truth that they *are* complaining about: In *other* posts TD crosses over the line that separates constitutionally protected speech from speech that is not protected.

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    1. No, Timothy, I said it’s *constitutional* to call someone ugly, not unconsitutional. I’ve never seen a post here that would be actionable. Not even close.


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      1. Holden, guy, nudnick, Timothy said you keep idiotically insisting over and over that the other commenters are saying it’s unconstitutonal to call somebody ugly when in fact no_one_ever_said_that. They said other posts cross the line, not this one.

        Reread verrrry slowly what all those people and Timothy have written. Maybe that will help. Or see an optometrist.

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  16. Concerning my above post see: Handy Manny’s and Wilhelm Nardoff’s replies in comment 28, farfel’s in 30, and Ed Grenedier’s in 31.

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  17. Oh boy. Tune into this week’s twit. Mr. Hello is getting called out by name 🙂

    BTW I could give a shit either way but it’s gonna be so cool watching someone getting owned by their worst enemy….. Car crashes are fun!

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  18. Father Ballsack IS a pedophile. That’s a known fact.

    If you don’t like it then too bad. Oh, and sue me dickwad. I’m behind 7 proxy servers and 9 VPNs. Come and get me!

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      1. HelloWorld and I tried to expose the world to the truth but people like you keep protecting him. There’s no point reporting him if the Catholic Church and the police won’t do anything about it.

        Those poor children 🙁 Megan is a terrible mother if she let’s her children anywhere near that fat child-snatcher.

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  19. Holden: Fact: An accusation of racism is not an opinion. Google it. A charge of racism that harms another’s reputation, unlike an ugliness charge, must be shown to be true to avoid a judgment.

    There is a gray area, but since Megan is attacked continuously, publically, and without a shred of evidence, TD lies far, far outside the gray area.

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    1. Being called a racist is an opinion. How can it be defamatory? If so, every politician who throws that word around would be sued.

      And let’s assume for a second it is actionable. What would be Megan’s damages be?

      Calling someone a pedo *is* defamatory as that is a felony.

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