42 thoughts on “Leo Laporte Lies to a Child About Remembering Him and is Caught”

    1. I don’t think he actually stops to think about anyone he may or may not have met, ever. He just opens his mouth and says some shit (if he’s not inhaling an extra large pizza). That’s his defect.

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      1. Lets be real, if you had a dozen people introduce themselves and peddle their useless shit on an average day, you wouldn’t (want to) remember them either.

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  1. Clearly Leo gives ZERO FUCKS about anyone and yet people are attracted to this sociopaths soothing voice like moths to a flame. Showing a photo of his penis, abusing interns, sexual harassment, ordering sex toys live on air & blatantly lying to his young fans who call in or travel at great expense to meet him are a daily routine for this jerk off. He’s become so condescending to his callers “tech questions” it’s incredible anyone calls in. They must love the abuse.

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  2. The kid is lucky he didn’t have a close encounter with The Porcine One.

    “Elliott, do you like movies about gladiators?”

    Off Topic: Anybody else notice the first word of Laporke’s Twitter profile? It’s the same way he identified himself to that limp limey, movie director Festering Boyle:


    RIP “netcasts”

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  3. Lol I’ll be damned if this kid “Elliot” didn’t call TTG radio show again today while the home theater geek hosted the show for LL while he was away at his sons frat boy party. To the parents of this kid Elliot, I think your son may have a little obsession with soupmaster, keep a close eye on him.

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    1. Marcus,
      Seriously, why do you bother to come here? There articles I don’t like and yet I don’t bitch about them. People volunteer articles and comments here. Nobody even gets a cup of soup.

      Maybe you should write something and submit it.

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      1. Because this site used to be good. Then some raging egomaniac bitch ruined it with pointless self-indulging and ramblings about irrelevant shit.

        Sounds familiar, don’t it?

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    1. The children that call in on TTG get automatically bumped to the front of the list. They are so cute and adorable! Leo loves to play the kind old man during their calls!

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  4. I was waiting for Leo to cut Elliot off and go to the next caller.

    The F You at the end made me chuckle cus you know Leo would have said that to him if there was no FCC to come down on Premiere.

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      1. Apparently, the number of kids visiting was decreased to zero on days the morbidly obese man of the cloth is recording.

        Make of that what you will.

        I suppose.

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  5. I think this is the same punk kid who did the New Screen Savers opening once (Back to the Future episode if I’m remembering right).

    This kid just wants to get his foot in the door it seems like. Calling a radio show, I don’t think is the way to do it. At least he can say on his application, if he ever gets a job there is “I was the kid who called you every week on The Tech Guy, and bugged you with nonsense questions”.

    Advice: start a YouTube channel (not sure/can’t remember if he has one) and build up a fanbase there. Avoid working for TWiT. Ask EffenDumb how’s that working out, moving to Petaluma.

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