Marie Domingo, the weird Filipino mail-order bride of the pervert Harry McCracken, has been hired at TWiT. The wide-faced immigrant is now listed as a “producer” working on two shows.
The editorial board at Total Drama is highly skeptical of this “diversity hire” because it’s obvious that hardly any TWiT show is actually produced. How much production value and prep is needed when the host just waddles in late and starts hawking doorbells and mattresses?
Although we wish Marie well, we have no faith in her abilities whatsoever. Nobody of any talent, drive or determination ends up in Petaluma—it’s too far from the successful people who live and work in San Francisco. Petaluma is where losers come to die.
The most important thing to remember during this time when TWiT is trying to fake us out with “people of color” on their staff lists, is that it has been over two years since a black woman appeared on any TWiT show; possibly due to the fact that Megan Morrone is a racist.
Heard her name mentioned a few times as her being in the audience, I guess anyone who hangs around long enough gets employed by the LaCunts.
Too bad TWiT is a revolving door, they keep hiring nobodies that fade into the background in a few months. What happened the Shannon? Tonya Hell? Jeff Needless? Nicole Lee? Did they even need to hire these people?
Jimmy Jam» Quote comment
Jesus Christ! Harry McCracken mail order bride is HOT. I’m stroking now…aaaaaahhhhhhh…thanks Harry.
Tim Vargo» Quote comment
I imagined a threesome with myself Harry and his beautiful wife and came twice…so hungry right now. Just before cumming I screamed “Marie – I’m cumming inside you!”. Awesome shit man. Awesome.
Eric Allgreen» Quote comment
” Nobody of any talent, drive or determination ends up in Petaluma”
Actually, many with talent *start* in Petaluma. Small companies like TWiT try to find undiscovered talent and hope they’ll remain a while before leaving to advance in their careers. Nothing unusual or wrong with that. Needles, Sarah Lane, Iyaz, the early hire, Colleen, and many others have all moved on to better employment at better companies (Google, YouTube, Techcrunch).
Sam Sharpe» Quote comment
And sometimes you’ll be driven to suicide!
Han Solo» Quote comment
Point taken, however I never said Leo wasn’t an awful employer. I was only pointing out yet another TD factually challenged post: That TWiT is where people with no talent end-up. The reality is the exact opposite. TWiT is a springboard for the majority of people at TWiT at the start or early in their careers who then move on, up, and away. (With Erik being a tragic exception.)
Sam Sharpe» Quote comment
Both TWiT and TotalDrama knowingly repeat lies and have no guilt about what effect made-up stories will have on the lives of others. The only difference between TD and TWiT is that Leo and his vile partner have successfully monetized the sordid practice.
Sam Sharpe» Quote comment
Sam – Name a ‘lie’ td has posted.
holden» Quote comment
Sam Sharpe: None of those people started in Petaluma. They were elsewhere first.
HelloWorld» Quote comment
Peataluma is where careers and dreams go to die.
NativeInExile» Quote comment
Wrong. Needles was in college when he started at TWiT as an intern before becoming a paid employee. Colleen’s first job in tech was at TWiT while she was still going to school.
But, anyway, the point wasn’t that TWiT was literally their first tech job (although for many it was) but was a valuable early stepping stone. Valuable for both TWiT and its young employees and not as described in your post as “where losers come to die.”
Sam Sharpe» Quote comment
Sam Sharpe: It is absolutely where losers come to die—especially after they are forced to move out of their rented studio (which Leo and Lisa didn’t have enough sense to buy) to some stupid warehouse in an industrial park in the middle of nowhere. Then we’ll really see how miserable working at TWiT can be.
HelloWorld» Quote comment
The industrial warehouse fell through. They are homeless again.
Kotter» Quote comment
Why doesn’t Hairy get braces
Jimmy Jam» Quote comment
Jimmy: I think he needs testerarone more.
holden» Quote comment
Maybe he got a vasectomy? LOLOL.
He has a massive overbite, some braces would probably help him breathe better.
Jimmy Jam» Quote comment
She’s a Producer Collaborating with “senior producers” on Triangulation and The New Screen Savers. In other words just be quiet, get the coffee, and be ethnic.
Dan» Quote comment
In other words… A too tan Tonya
Carley’s Cunt» Quote comment
So she’s gonna be working with Tonya ?
Over/Under is 90 days until Tonya eats her by mistake.
Ken Sintek» Quote comment
Wow this post was a bit racist.
Jorge» Quote comment
no more racist than megan morrone’s racist comments.
Ken Sintek» Quote comment
All she ever said in the video clip that was supposed to show how biased she was was that people identify more with those in their own ethnic group. Check out the video. Don’t believe what is repeated endlessly here that has no factual basis. None.
Remi Sitwell» Quote comment
And by the way, are you saying it’s okay to be biased, because Megan was (Even though she wasn’t)? That’s a pretty extreme version of two wrongs making a right. I don’t think that logic would stand up anywhere outside of TD.
Remi Sitwell» Quote comment
No, it’s not okay to promulgate racist views on TWIT.
holden» Quote comment
They can discriminate because you’re Christian. Leo has plenty of times in the past
Jorge» Quote comment
I’m fucking floored he has a wife…….
Soup» Quote comment
Soup: Don’t be impressed. He bought her.
holden» Quote comment
And let’s not forget that TWIT contributor from Taiwan Jason what-thefuck, who’s so repulsive that he had to leave the US and move to that country to find a wife
holden» Quote comment
I call him Sleepy Jason.
Jimmy Jam» Quote comment
i’d fuck her. I got yellow fever bad tho
Pam» Quote comment
He has a voice that drove my family to suicide.
messyshitmilk» Quote comment
God damn overbite I tells ya! He needs to throw an orthodontist some bones.
Jimmy Jam» Quote comment
Another stupid not funny not insightful post. Could the other contributors who have some humor in them please post more so helloworld doesn’t feel he has to fill the void. Or anyone who has any sense in them could step up and do a post based on factual things. I know you guys exist.
And before helloworld tells me to eat a dick, I’ll eat anyone’s but his.
Fauxjournalist» Quote comment
You should eat Randy’s dick. Randy likes to have his dick eaten. After all, he is the Perlyn Myrlyn.
Ken Sintek» Quote comment
@Fauxjournalist: This always seems to come in waves, and I’m guessing it’s because there just isn’t any news worthy to report from TWIT, or people here just don’t care anymore and haven’t been keeping an eye on L&L as much lately.
Esch» Quote comment
it’s funny HelloWorld calling anyone a pervert when he’s a fucking faggot
Simple» Quote comment
It is funny. Also you should EAT A DICK sometime and try it before you knock it.
TYFYC HelloWorld.
Ken Sintek» Quote comment
Eating dick isn’t really that bad…and it doesn’t make you a homosexual.
Eric Allgreen» Quote comment
There is no God but Allah. Muhammad is the Messenger of God.
Frank Barone» Quote comment
I’d bang her.
Myriam’s Penis» Quote comment
Terrible article and racist.
Always expect the highest of quality from HelloWorld.
Marcus» Quote comment
Jimmy Jam» Quote comment
Where’s the racism? All HW said was he bought her mail order.
Holden» Quote comment
“filipino fatty” “wide-faced immigrant” “weird Filipino ”
Oh Come On» Quote comment
I answered Holden’s question by listing the descriptions of Marie that HW used in his post. My comment was rejected by the blog’s filter for unacceptable content. My comment consisted solely of HW’s own words. So the blog evidently considers the terminology used in the post to be objectionable. The filter is not applied to posts, only to the comments.
Bob» Quote comment
It’s typical of a fag to insult people around them for no reason. and act like a bitch. This site has lost its way and I’m done.
Simple» Quote comment
Goodbye, douchebrain!
holden» Quote comment
Yep and you too HelloWorld . Quite funny as you need to hide with multiple incidents. Faggot’s are such drama queens. You reveal it every time. fag=stupidity/pervert and it makes me laugh.
Simple» Quote comment
Vaya con nachos,
NativeInExile» Quote comment
I love how you use a hateful slur against homosexuals to complain about HelloWorld insulting people for no reason. Stay classy!
LaporkeOnAFork» Quote comment
And the grammar! We dont have an apostrophe in our insult names.
evilpants» Quote comment
H ello W orld isn’t a faggot, he’s married, well OK married to his sister but apart from that he’s sometimes normal.
ToucheDouch» Quote comment
Leo had to hire another woman to sexually harass. The Stay-Puff Marshmallow Priest doesn’t wear skirts enough to keep Leo’s attention. Mike Elgum doesn’t brush his teeth enough for Leo to kiss, and his call screener for the Tech Guy is hardly ever there anymore because she is always taking the day off to search for a better job.
Me» Quote comment
Hmmm….. Maybe Soup needed a replacement for Eileen Rivera. If it was not for all that Discovery Channel money, Jim Louderback would still be pi$$ed at Leo for stealing his producer.
Nobody» Quote comment
Plot Twist: Helloworld is actually the misogynistic, racist douche Leo Laporte. Look at your last 20 posts and tell me you feel good about them. TYFYC? Yeah no, EAD.
Dvorak’s Law» Quote comment
“Filipino mail-order bride?”
I should have known this was probably a total invention since this post was written by HelloWorld but a quick check confirmed that (once again) he’s a misogynistic liar.
Domingo graduated from an Los Angeles area public high school in 1984 and has held a variety of jobs in the tech industry (e.g. Sony, Sun Microsystems, HP) since 1998.
So, to believe HelloWorld’s post, you’d have to believe that Domingo immigrated to the United States in 1994 — and by the way, there is (of course) no evidence to support that whatsoever — worked in the tech industry for close to 15 years before marrying McCracken (who someone decided to purchase her as a mail order bride.) Right.
If anything, Domingo’s resume is more impressive than McCracken’s.
I have no idea why the other writers on this blog put up with HelloWorld but it’s become apparent that he’s the boil on the buttocks of TotalDrama.
Paul Jacobsen» Quote comment
I like facts. I even get off on facts. I like your facts. If you want to tell me facts over the phone as I lie naked touching myself, I’m your guy.
Please call me at (402) 867-5309.
I eagerly await more facts.
Ken Sintek» Quote comment
Paul: You believe everything you read? Who else would marry McCracken than a hard-up mail-order bride? Megan has more testosterone than Harry!!
Holden» Quote comment
And I’m sure Jason – that loser who had to move to Taiwan to find a woman — married a Rhodes scholar? They both married third-world women because they could not get any one first world.
Holden» Quote comment
Weak reply Holden.
Basically, you’re saying “Well, you should believe HelloWorld because…well, just because!”
BTW, the guy in Taiwan you’re talking about is “Ben” not “Jason.” Don’t sweat it though. Really don’t expect you (or your sideman HelloWorld) to do any semblance of fact checking.
Keep trying guys. It’s cute.
Tom Perkins» Quote comment
Tom: The fact that I did not know his first name shows how little impact he has a tech journalist. I’ve never heard of him outside of TWIT. He’s dull as dishwater, has dirty, greasy hair like film_girl (and that feminine dude McCracken) and is fucking ugly.
And, I stand by my basic premise – like girly McCracken, he’s so fucking repulsive he had to get a mail-order woman from another country to marry. He fits the paradigm beautifully.
holden» Quote comment
You rang?
Lance Boil» Quote comment
“You’ve done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?”
StevieD» Quote comment
StevieD» Quote comment
Peter Griffin» Quote comment
Popularity over time:
Also, I submitted a time code link to a recent show where Leo scrolls through his Google+ Circles, “Friends”, “Staff” etc etc… and one titled, “Sexy.” Hopefully TD staff will check it out at some point. I’m more specific with the show and time in the feedback link.
SpongebobTrianglePants» Quote comment
Originally, I came to TD out of a growing dislike for Leo and total disgust for Lisa. Then I stayed for a rubber-necking look at a stranger bunch than the ones I quit watching over at “The Netcasts You Love.”
I’m glad to see that even among a weird group of professional haters who’d rather watch and hate than swtich the program, there are limits to the degradation they will subject themselves to.
I hope the growing (and nearly unanimous) chorus of TD commenters who are saying enough’s enough with the concoted stories, misogyny, racism, and outright lies about innocent people will be listened to by those at TD who still have at least a smidgeon of respect for truth and fairness left in their benighted souls.
Goodbye World» Quote comment
I fear your words will fall on deaf ears, unfortunately, and nothing will change how they do things here. You just have to learn to avoid the posts that are BS and stick to the ones that are legitimately about what happens over at TWIT.
Esch» Quote comment
Goodbye: tl;dr
Holden» Quote comment
Holdem, You would have loved that long comment you didn’t read.
He said the sodomizing priest is going to get arrested for raping little Filipino boys, that Megan is teaching her kids to point at black people in the street and yell the N word, that Elgum and Effendumb got into a fist fight over that new Filipino cunt, and that Soup had to cancel his next trip because his doctor told him he couldn’t travel with his potentially fatal case of end-stage ‘beetus.
Petaluma update» Quote comment
And speaking of feminine men, I see that that loser Elmer with the hyphenated last name is on TWIT today. He’s the one who took his wife’s maiden last name and added it to his.
Holden» Quote comment
A new low even for this site. You guys make the people at Fox News look like real journalists.
Cdn2015» Quote comment