Does Leo Encourage Defrauding Advertisers?

Something is rotten in Petaluma. An eagle-eared IRC commenter noticed that Leo may have a motive for his crap website. There is a suspected plot that has been offered up for review: It seems a certain pot-bellied, overly-sleepy, article-reading slob may have a reason for asking for people to get the API key and develop, develop, develop.

How About This For a BUssiness
How About This For a Business?

What does he have in mind? What doesn’t his audience have?  It seems kinda weird to want all these mobile applications and websites with redundant purposes. Could he be looking for someone to program applications to auto-download all his podcasts? Maybe that is where the mass exodus of Mods went? They code? This is easier money than making good shows!

More Powerful That Padres Anti-Troll Program
More Powerful That Padre’s Anti-Troll Program

Fret not, drama people. We may have an API key and are possibly developing an app that downloads the episodes to a server of our own that you can re-download. The #guzzler won’t get to chow down on those extra-large buckets of #soup. We may even have a way to reverse the download numbers thereby effectively shoving the podcast back up Leo’s ass.

28 thoughts on “Does Leo Encourage Defrauding Advertisers?”

  1. I’m going to take that on my trip. I’m going to buy that for my trip. I’m not going to be here next week, I’m going on my trip. This is the camera I’m taking on my trip. I really need to pack for my trip. Have a look at the new website before I leave on my trip. We’re leaving Lisa’s son behind while we go on our trip. It’s going to be a long flight for my trip. I’ve already loaded that for my trip. I’m not done bragging about my trip.

    Hey. Anyone want to see a photo of my penis before I leave for my trip?

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  2. His whole operation is shady. A couple of weeks ago he said on air that total downloads for podcasts are basically an estimate. I wish somebody could pull tape on that because I believe Leo is padding his numbers for advertisers.

    Years ago, when I first started listening to Leo, I thought to myself this guy can’t possibly be as nice as he comes across. The fact is that he has that phony personality down pat. The guy knows how to schmooze people with small talk but down deep he couldn’t give a shit about anybody but himself. Plus his bragging about his vacations and all his “toys” has really become obnoxious.

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    1. Advertising in general is an estimate. They estimate how many people watch television shows based on Nielson and then estimate how many watch commercials. Podcasting is not much different. They estimate usefulness of total downloads knowing full well that not all people listen to everything they DL. That being said, if they assume 60% actually listen its still always in your best interest to inflate numbers, 60% of 70,000 sells for more than 60% of 20,000 if my math is accurate.

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      1. True. Except it could be said that no-one can actually listen to any twit podcast. So the later ads never get heard. For example I listen to What the tech almost every week. It’s an hour. I hear the casper ad. It works.

        Twit. never. And we all know that i obsessively follow Leo and TWiT.

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  3. Looks like step kid is being turned over to dad for a summer visit, with any luck, step kid will rat out Lisa’s new boy toy and upon her return she’ll be lighter in the kid dept.

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    1. I hope Michael, aka the incest survivor, spills the beans about Leo’s kiddie porno pic in the Japanese Soaking Tub and that the Pedo-Loomer police yanks that kid away from them immediately upon their return from their floating sex barge trip down the river.

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  4. I don’t think it is fair to bring peoples private life and comments about children into a thread about business ethics. I dislike the negative stance of some posters here which smacks of witch hunting rather than a injective assessment.

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    1. Leo lied about how Amber Mac was fired. Leo lied about Erik Lanigan. Leo is the one who constantly shows the picture of Lisa and Michael about to make out in the tub. Anything is fair game if Lisa and Leo lie about it enough. So fuck you, Laporte “family.” You’ve made your bed, now “lie” in it.

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    2. I’m sorry… Not really!!! When you have your dopy kid sitting in the third chair while you and your even dopier sleezy lover (Oct 16,2013 Inside TWiT) broadcast live, TWiT’s goings on’s , both behind the scene’s and under the covers, one can not complain when your family is dragged into your little cess pool. Michael is sitting in the wide shot, playing a dopy windows game all the while L&L rant on how well they are running the network into the ground. Lisa could have directed the TD to pull in the shot and we would have never known what her kid looked liked. And… It’s Leo always ranting on about his kid’s Casper mattress and third floor bedroom @ CU Bolder. Daughter Abby had a show on the network while she was still in a private high school and before she went off to Bard, where she suffered a breakdown which required both parents to fly back to NY and extract her back to California. I’m sorry, Leo and Lisa have brought this onto themselves!!!

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  5. When he show his penis on air he lost my respect, I canceled all my subscriptions to his fraud sponsorship. I rarely listen to his radio show anymore he is such a liar on most things he does.

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  6. “Reverse the download numbers”? That’s like Ferris Beuller trying to reverse the odometer. Not gonna work.

    …and you don’t need the API to pull copies of all the episodes. There’s this thing called an RSS feed. You might have heard of it.

    Friggin retards.

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  7. TD’s becoming more and more of a joke by the day. If you want to make an impact, do it with common sense and the vast amount of material that he gives, not this amateurish troll and garbage we’ve been seeing lately.

    Regardless of how ridiculous the objective is, to get a voice that is heard, and given consideration by people that matter, and would force change on Twit and Leo, professionalism is going to get you a lot further than bogus childish stories and rumors.

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