We are all TotalDrama

This blog is public and it is read by thousands and contributed to by many. We have system administrators, writers, video editors, humorists and commentators, pundits and publishers. In short, we are more than just the sum of our many parts.

How on Earth anyone can think that TotalDrama, this blog and its active and fun IRC chatroom and its many YouTube channels could be supervised by one person is beyond the scope of comprehension of the Editorial Board.

But the self-aggrandizing uber-ego of Leo Laporte simply will not allow him to believe otherwise. He thinks that this entire enterprise is perpetrated by “one ass.” As you will see in the following video, Leo refuses to acknowledge that people don’t like what he’s become and the garbage programming that he is producing. We hate what you do, not only because you’re a lousy person, but because you call us “trolls” when it’s really just you who is the annoying “ass.”

So grab your popcorn, TotalDrama fans, and watch as Leo’s muddled mind reveals his insecurity and how he misguidedly calls the creators of this critical blog the “one ass.”

31 thoughts on “We are all TotalDrama”

  1. Poor Heather…

    Does anyone know the employment status of Heather Hamann? I would predict she would be the next Leo firing (based on some of his comments to her), but maybe Premier just pays her like they pay Leo, so it’s not coming out of his pocket anyway. I just can’t see Lisa paying an attractive woman to sit with Leo 6 hours a week.

    Is Heather is safe?

    I feel like when she started she really liked Leo (like most of us), and over time she saw and experienced what a self centered, rude, jerk he is (like most of us).

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    1. Heather works for Preimer Radio. I’m sure Leo pressured PR to mover the call screener closer to Leo’s direct control. Remember when Leo berated Heather when she put Caleb Anderson@techtalknow on twice and Leo called the 13 year old tech pundit a troll and cut the call off.

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      1. So he got them to provide an in-house professional call screener, can he get them to replace Heather with one of his personal lackeys like Jeff Needles?

        I just don’t see her around much longer based on his general tone towards her?

        It’s the Floss Weekly? Ron Richards? Heather Hamann? TWiT Death Pool!

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    2. I too have “felt” for Heather having to witness the over-sharing, temper tantrums, immaturity, etc. of Leo, week after week in direct eye contact through what must feel like the thinnest of glass panes at times.

      However, to balance that out, I also figure that Heather has to be used to it “just coming with the territory” – anyone working in radio would witness the host being a primadonna, sexist pig or tantrum thrower (i.e. Bill “We’ll do it LIVE!” O’Reilly) at times. I think many of the qualities what makes for a solo radio host (able to talk at length, ram a personal opinion down others’ throat, etc.) can have their negative flip side. Heather and Leo “reminisced” in their first few weeks/months working together of the “characters” they knew in the past in common – and Heather openly equates herself with “The Roz to his Frasier, the Robin to his Howard Shore”, and though one a fictional caricature and one not, both of those male radio hosts could be at times brilliant, difficult, frustrating and inspiring.

      I’m sure, though, Heather realizes how “good” she had it working for Dr. Dean Edell who is by many accounts fairly classy.

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      1. Did Dr Dean (or just about any other host) live stream his commercial breaks? And then ‘talk shop’ (aka dress her down) during the live stream? If Leo has ideas how she should be screening the calls, then do it privately before the show. I don’t actually thinks she is bothered/offended by most of Leo’s behavior, I feel bad because I think she is the front runner in the TWiT Death Pool.

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        1. Yeah, I was coming at this from the sense that she might not be surprised or bothered by his behavior – a “given” in radio perhaps – but you’re right it has the added dimension of streaming this out for all (who want to see it) to see. (Although to be fair, the stream viewers represent a fraction of the typical non-geeky/techy radio listener.)

          Of course, discussing these matters with her privately would involve Leo showing up far more ahead of time than his usual “with just seconds to spare” before air, or spending some time with her after the broadcasts. I think we are unlikely to see either.

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          1. It’s amazing how little Leo puts into prep for his shows, so I guess we shouldn’t be surprised that he doesn’t or hasn’t ever sat down with her and ‘game planned’ how he wants to be feed the calls, pace the show….

            I also think he has the hots for her, just saying… All the more reason for Lisa to get rid of her.

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    3. I don’t think she even attends the 24hr Leotons on New Year’s eve. She’s the Toby to the Michael Scott, she’s corporate lol The Office? Anybody?

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      1. She is not listed on the TWiT website under people, and even I’m listed. They’ll list just about anyone remotely involved with this dump, strange.

        Can’t say I blame her for skipping N.Y.E., even if those hourly Skype calls were even better in person.

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  2. Leo uses the same principle as the right wing uses against Media Matters for America, who simply publish right wingers’ quotes and in return are called “gutter snipes.”

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  3. If Leo and his bumboys didn’t think Totaldrama had any merit, why does he repeatedly mention it and make bozo-ish threats. A normal sane person would be, “whatever” and let it go.

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    1. He’s afraid that his empire “might” crumble and that’s what’s happening but they’re not doing it. He’s doing it to himself; they just document it and give viable criticism that says “this is a man who’s insane, who’s judgemental, who has a huge ego problem and he’s taking everything down with him.”.

      If Leo and his staff are afraid to take the truth then hey, more power to TotalDrama.

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    1. Google found it’s apparently Episode 1120 at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OATnYvWgxcI with this Caleb “thing”. In those Youtube comments, he’s talking about his experiences on that show. I didn’t feel like sifting through that entire show to find a timecode though, and that edit might not include the between-segments-banter (I recall Leo once saying the audio version would be different than the video version, intentionally – one has that stuff, one does not).

      http://techguylabs.com/episodes/1120 also has the callers/questioned indexed by time at right, so might be easier to find – again, not sure if the “behind-the-scenes” stuff remains in the final edited version.

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    2. Here is a tweet Caleb put out :
      @LeoLaporteSucks Leo was an ass today. He thought i was asking him for a free MacBook and had Heather kill the call..then got me banned …
      226 days ago

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  4. I was away from my machine for a while and when I got back I heard Leo Laporte kept yelling “Ass.” I simply asked the chat room what was Leo talking about. All of a sudden everyone got offensive. And now I think that Asshole Dan decided to block my ip. It said I was blocked as I had three strikes. Total bullshit. I feel like finding out where exactly in MN Dan is at. I want to tell him and his gay ass cat that he is full of shit. I have a feeling that if I approach him personally his balls will shrivel. I believe he is just a pussy that hides behind a computer. Note: I am not advocating or insinuating personal harm. Just want to tell him off in person.

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    1. Twit chat doesn’t matter, it’s just a bunch of psychophants in a circle jerk. If you want to have some fun, drive around town and use your cellphone at every McDonalds to troll them.

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  5. I think TWiT needs a team of people to deal with legitimate complaints and grievences. As long as you send them constructive criticism, one of the team gets back to you with a response. I’m assuming this will never happen though because TWiT isn’t a public company. The chatroom is no use, you say anything bad, or negative, it seems you get kicked/banned, from the comments I’ve seen on here anyway.

    I’d be totally happy sending an email, even a recorded MP3, or even call them on the dog and bone (phone). If they opened up a line of communication for the people who aren’t happy with TWiT, I think a lot of these issues could be resolved, you know. No chatroom, no head mod, no, none of that involved.

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  6. When he says the “one ass” he is only referring to the one person (and it is only one) that is buying up all the URLs and redirecting.

    Fun stuff, but IS only one person doing that. That they may be an ass, who knows?

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