In a shocking shift of allegiances, long time technician Alex Gumpel has freed himself from the lapdog allegations with mucho gusto. In a recent seemingly benign post, the long coated youngster clearly stated his allegiance with the slim half of the iPad Today twosome. Asked for comment, he may have posed this question, “Have you seen the first three letters of my last name?”
Welcome to the revolution!
As gross as this visual may be, this is a quote that CEHo Lisa has said as well, although not publicly.
Marcus» Quote comment
Techguy “do you have a small purse, for you’re lipstick-tampax-no John C. its Oh Doctor!
Johnthe 3rd» Quote comment
Thanks for telling us the more details about Steve Wonder concert ,CEHO had leather pants on”.NOT!
Johnthe 3rd» Quote comment
When I visited Twit last year, Alex and JammerB were two of the most helpful and interesting people I talked with and meet, Liz (who quietly bounced away from Twit) and Greg were also nice.
Reformed_Koolaid_Drinker» Quote comment