Tag Archives: it ends now

TotalDrama calls for alleged victims to break the silence

Break the silence—come forward and tell your abuse story.

The editorial board at TotalDrama is putting out a public call for alleged victims of abuse at the hands of TWiT, Leo Laporte  or Lisa Kentzell to come forward and tell your story. BREAK THE SILENCE.

We know you’re out there—it’s time to let TotalDrama give voice to your story. We  will stand shoulder to shoulder with you. All you have to do is BREAK THE SILENCE.

Were you fired by Lisa? Were you sexually harassed by Leo? Were you mentally abused by a chatroom mod? BREAK THE SILENCE.

Just use the “Feedback & Tips” button on the right side of this page to set yourself free and let the world know how you’ve suffered. And stop it from possibly happening to others.