CES Exhibitor Confuses TWiT for a Jason Calcanis Project

In the video above, which must be immensely embarrassing to Leo Laporte, FMCP-underling Dick DeBartolo interviews a “smart” coffee mug maker on the CES floor. Immediately upon its conclusion, the exhibitor is confused about what TWiT is.

He initially thinks that TWiT is a Jason Calacanis This Week In project. Dick has to tell him that it’s Leo Laporte’s crap. The exhibitor asks what the reach of the video will be, but Dick must again defer to TWiT off-site producers who won’t give an answer.

It proves what we all know: beyond the tiny circle of influence #soup inhabits, TWiT isn’t even a recognizable brand to normal people in the tech scene.

40 thoughts on “CES Exhibitor Confuses TWiT for a Jason Calcanis Project”

  1. The reach is typically less than 1000 YouTube views per video, sometimes a lot less like the interview with Lee Felsenstein (201 views). No wonder Leo wants to go back to all audio.

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  2. When they move to the new studio, they should really use that opportunity to completely rebrand. The name Twit sucks. It doesn’t make sense to anyone who doesn’t already know about it.

    Of course they never will.

    Also “Netcasts” still hasn’t caught on. For the love of Christ drop it!

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    1. Lisa Rimming Leo on the sex swing said:
      Agreed with Lisa the ball gobbler, the name TWiT is fucking stupid.So I tried to watch a bit of CES with the fat priest (I mean really, a fucking collar and everything and no selling the jesus thing!) and this insanely old guy Dick DeBartolo.Not that I am trying to be agist or anything but this guy just does not look the part of a tech reporter, perhaps if he took some pride in his appearance at least.

      Soup just has no quality staff left, he is scraping the bottom of the barrel.I have to say thank you to total drama.net. I used to be able to listen to twit, I actually loved to act up until points I think when Tom Merritt went that was the end of it.

      Imagine being soup, you have no quality staff left, You were sending out old age pensioners to do reporting to the consumer electronics show come on what a joke.

      Total drama has finally managed to taint the twit network and that fat fucker Leo Laporte. Thank you total drama.

      One of the things that are really started to irkme about twit was every time something was mentioned Leo Laportetry would be like oh I’m going to buy that, the guy has every conceivable mobile phone in the world that was ever designed it is just not realistic and I think it pisses people off to no end.Not that he can buy it, but that he buys it, says it is because he is doing his job and then proceeds to not use it or muck it up.


      Look at the first word in Laporke’s Twitter bio.

      Nuff said!

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    2. Chris said:
      When they move to the new studio, they should really use that opportunity to completely rebrand. The name Twit sucks. It doesn’t make sense to anyonewho doesn’t already know about it.

      Of course they never will.

      Also “Netcasts” still hasn’t caught on. For the love of Christ drop it!

      I have honestly hated the name “TWiT” since day one.

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    1. MasterOfTwat said: Twit Pro app is no longer supporting Twit

      Ha, I bet the developer isn’t up on the incredible RESTful headless spiro giro Twit website API. It’s more complicated than Leo’s explanations for his various failures.

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    2. MasterOfTwat said:
      Twit Pro app is no longer supporting Twit.Leo must have majorly pissed off the Twit Pro developer.

      Even “considering” moving to all-audio is a huge deal. It would dick over all the app developers. Even the twit website which has a large focus on live would suffer.

      Me can’t wait for that announcement.

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  3. Agreed with Lisa the ball gobbler, the name TWiT is fucking stupid. So I tried to watch a bit of CES with the fat priest (I mean really, a fucking collar and everything and no selling the jesus thing!) and this insanely old guy Dick DeBartolo. Not that I am trying to be agist or anything but this guy just does not look the part of a tech reporter, perhaps if he took some pride in his appearance at least.

    Soup just has no quality staff left, he is scraping the bottom of the barrel. I have to say thank you to total drama.net. I used to be able to listen to twit, I actually loved to act up until points I think when Tom Merritt went that was the end of it.

    Imagine being soup, you have no quality staff left, You were sending out old age pensioners to do reporting to the consumer electronics show come on what a joke.

    Total drama has finally managed to taint the twit network and that fat fucker Leo Laporte. Thank you total drama.

    One of the things that are really started to irk me about twit was every time something was mentioned Leo Laportetry would be like oh I’m going to buy that, the guy has every conceivable mobile phone in the world that was ever designed it is just not realistic and I think it pisses people off to no end. Not that he can buy it, but that he buys it, says it is because he is doing his job and then proceeds to not use it or muck it up.

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    1. Leo had a great up and coming guy with audience appeal in Eric Lanigan. As soon as he knew this he fucked about not paying him and couldn’t fire him fast enough. Now all his presenters are past it pensioners or arseholes in general.

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    2. Lisa Rimming Leo on the sex swing said:
      Agreed with Lisa the ball gobbler, the name TWiT is fucking stupid.So I tried to watch a bit of CES with the fat priest (I mean really, a fucking collar and everything and no selling the jesus thing!) and this insanely old guy Dick DeBartolo.Not that I am trying to be agist or anything but this guy just does not look the part of a tech reporter, perhaps if he took some pride in his appearance at least.

      Soup just has no quality staff left, he is scraping the bottom of the barrel.I have to say thank you to total drama.net. I used to be able to listen to twit, I actually loved to act up until points I think when Tom Merritt went that was the end of it.

      Imagine being soup, you have no quality staff left, You were sending out old age pensioners to do reporting to the consumer electronics show come on what a joke.

      Total drama has finally managed to taint the twit network and that fat fucker Leo Laporte. Thank you total drama.

      One of the things that are really started to irkme about twit was every time something was mentioned Leo Laportetry would be like oh I’m going to buy that, the guy has every conceivable mobile phone in the world that was ever designed it is just not realistic and I think it pisses people off to no end.Not that he can buy it, but that he buys it, says it is because he is doing his job and then proceeds to not use it or muck it up.

      Ah, Dickie D. is okay. He’s been reporting on gadgets for many years. Seems like a real nice man, too, who #soup screwed over.

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    3. Lisa Rimming Leo on the sex swing said:
      Agreed with Lisa the ball gobbler, the name TWiT is fucking stupid.So I tried to watch a bit of CES with the fat priest (I mean really, a fucking collar and everything and no selling the jesus thing!) and this insanely old guy Dick DeBartolo.Not that I am trying to be agist or anything but this guy just does not look the part of a tech reporter, perhaps if he took some pride in his appearance at least.

      Soup just has no quality staff left, he is scraping the bottom of the barrel.I have to say thank you to total drama.net. I used to be able to listen to twit, I actually loved to act up until points I think when Tom Merritt went that was the end of it.

      Imagine being soup, you have no quality staff left, You were sending out old age pensioners to do reporting to the consumer electronics show come on what a joke.

      Total drama has finally managed to taint the twit network and that fat fucker Leo Laporte. Thank you total drama.

      One of the things that are really started to irkme about twit was every time something was mentioned Leo Laportetry would be like oh I’m going to buy that, the guy has every conceivable mobile phone in the world that was ever designed it is just not realistic and I think it pisses people off to no end.Not that he can buy it, but that he buys it, says it is because he is doing his job and then proceeds to not use it or muck it up.

      “…..and this insanely old guy Dick DeBartolo.Not that I am trying to be agist or anything but this guy just does not look the part of a tech reporter, perhaps if he took some pride in his appearance at least…..”

      Jane, you ignorant slut.

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  4. Why the hell would you send a Catholic priest to CES? If I were a vendor there, I’d want to speak to a real journalist, not a wannabe. Obviously, soup is too stupid to realize that.

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    1. I wonder if he somehow scammed the church into paying. He might have passed it off as a way to research new technology to spread the message of the church. Like the way he bullshitted them into letting him be on TWaT.

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      1. I’m still not entirely why or how he’s there… he works for the church for TWiT… a media company owned and operated by an gluttonous, greedy, adulterous, prideful atheist. I’m a pretty intelligent person, but I just can’t understand how his work at TWiT is part of his ministry. It doesn’t make sense at all to me… (then again, neither does religion, so who knows?)

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  5. To boost down load views, Lisa teased a TWiT live CES update on her inside my twat post on Monday but it was then pulled after the “live updates” started, you really had to nose around the “new” $350,000 web site to find any link to a live feed. After the live events, the overpriced camel toe reposted the posting, still tagged with the 1/4/16 date stamp, but with links to the downloadable “live” coverage.

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  6. TWiT CES coverage has always been a joke. The offsite producers are a joke. Debartolo should not be associated with this sick and twisted enterprise. He and Chan Johnson both should stay clear and watch from afar TWiTs total self destruction by late spring 2016.

    Dick Debartolo & Chad Johnson are homosexuals. Leo and Lisa Laporte don’t like homosexuals and don’t want “them” on their network. Leo and Lisa will “tolerate” an occasional black face to give the illustion of diversity. They are both dispicable humans. Karma’s a bitch. May Leo’s “FUCK YOU” come back to fuck him in the ass 10x.

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    1. Cathy Bates said:
      TWiT CES coverage has always been a joke. The offsite producers are a joke. Debartolo should not be associated with this sick and twisted enterprise. He and Chan Johnson both should stay clear and watch from afar TWiTs total self destruction by late spring 2016.

      Dick Debartolo & Chad Johnson are homosexuals. Leo and Lisa Laporte don’t like homosexuals and don’t want “them” on their network. Leo and Lisa will “tolerate” an occasional black face to give the illustion of diversity. They are both dispicable humans. Karma’s a bitch. May Leo’s “FUCK YOU” come back to fuck him in the ass 10x.

      Wow, I don’t know if Chad is gay, but I agree with you that he and Dick should maintain maximum space from TWIT. They both deserve better.

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    2. Cathy Bates said:
      TWiT CES coverage has always been a joke. The offsite producers are a joke. Debartolo should not be associated with this sick and twisted enterprise. He and Chan Johnson both should stay clear and watch from afar TWiTs total self destruction by late spring 2016.

      Dick Debartolo & Chad Johnson are homosexuals. Leo and Lisa Laporte don’t like homosexuals and don’t want “them” on their network. Leo and Lisa will “tolerate” an occasional black face to give the illustion of diversity. They are both dispicable humans. Karma’s a bitch. May Leo’s “FUCK YOU” come back to fuck him in the ass 10x.

      Fucking Leo in the ass is Lisa’s responsibility.

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    3. No need to be stupid here. Leo is a lot of things, but a bigot towards gay people ain’t one of them. There are others on staff at twit right now. Leo has no fucks to give here.

      So many stupid things are said in the comments here. I don’t expect anyone to have taste, but less stupidity would be awesome.

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  7. I am no fan of TWiT or Leo, but it’s ridiculous to claim that this clip demonstrates that they aren’t well known in the tech world. The randon jerk in the clip is not “a normal [person] in the tech scene.” He’s a normal person in the coffee mug scene.

    It’s a better indication of Leo’s prominence in tech that he’s on a first name basis with the co-founder of Apple than that he is unknown to this GoFundMe loser who is “taking orders” for a dumb over-priced gimmick and who next year will be back at CES with a USB hot dog roll warmer (for which he’ll also be “taking orders.”)

    But, as I said, don’t interpret the above as any endorsement of what’s become of TWiT since Lisa came along and ruined it. I just like truth and accuracy, rare commodities in Totaldrama.

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    1. Barley Snooden said:
      I am no fan of TWiT or Leo, but it’s ridiculous to claim that this clip demonstrates that they aren’t well known in the tech world. The randon jerk in the clip is not“a normal [person] in the tech scene.” He’s a normal person in the coffee mug scene.

      It’s a better indication of Leo’s prominence in tech that he’s on a first name basis with the co-founder of Apple than that he is unknown to this GoFundMe loser who is “taking orders” for a dumb over-priced gimmick and who next year will be back at CES with a USB hot dog roll warmer (for which he’ll also be “taking orders.”)

      But, as I said,don’t interpret the above as any endorsement of what’s become of TWiT since Lisa came along and ruined it. I just like truth and accuracy, rare commodities in Totaldrama.

      DeBartolo has appeared on ABC News, Live with Kelly, etc. for many years now. That’s real TV, unlike soup, Jason , Megan, et al who are on a podcast. Leave DeBartolo alone. He’s a good man and carved a niche in tech reporting. Ageism is not a good thing.

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  8. Why do they even bother with CES coverage anymore?

    Oh right, because Dicky D. and Scott Wilkerson already go to CES for their day jobs and TWiT gets them for a tiny sum of probably $500. The fat Jesuit works for free, so that’s that. TWiT CES 2016 coverage in the bag baby, meet you in the Japanese soaking tub after I lube ye’ old anus.

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  9. I used to be embarrassed to mention TWIT because it’s a stupid name. Now I don’t mention TWIT because the content is predominantly outdated garbage.

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  10. Cathy Bates said: Leo and Lisa Laporte don’t like homosexuals and don’t want “them” on their network.

    I don’t think Leo is anti-gay per se. Remember, when he opened the new studio and they had that little march down the street, he and Dick led it. They were genuinely friends. That doesn’t mean he likes gay people. But it does show that he doesn’t have any principled objection to working with and promoting them (us? I’m gay but it seemed a bit odd to say “us” just then).

    Also, the way he used to open the Giz Wiz with “Get ready for dick!” – that’s a sign of Leo being quite comfortable to make a regular affectionate joke about his gay friend.

    I suspect Leo is one of those people who might be uncomfortable with such things underneath, but I doubt it would ever stop him working with gay people if a) those gay people made him money and b) those gay people always remembered who was boss.

    My strong suspicion is that Giz Wiz wasn’t making *enough* money – some, sure, but not enough for Lisa’s New World Of Twit.

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    1. I’m pretty sure he is not anti-gay. Current regulars who are out are, in alphabetical order:

      Becky Worley
      Dick DeBartolo
      Gina Trapani
      Mary-Jo Foley
      Myriam Joire

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  11. The thing about having ‘diversity’ is important – it simply never occurred to Leo that he had a platform where he could encourage people from different parts of the community to showcase their skills.

    But then again, this nice liberal 1%er chose to live in Petaluma, which is a nice, clean, white town. 80% white in fact, compared to 56% white for the state overall.

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  12. BTW everyone, you’ve probably all seen the ‘quote comment’ feature they’ve installed. In case you didn’t know, you don’t just have to click “quote comment” – you can select specific parts of the comment, then when you click “quote comment”, only the selected bit will be quoted, so you don’t have to quote the whole of a long comment.

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    1. evilpants said:
      BTW everyone, you’ve probably all seen the ‘quote comment’ feature they’ve installed. In case you didn’t know, you don’t just have to click “quote comment” – you can select specific parts of the comment, then when you click “quote comment”, only the selected bit will be quoted, so you don’t have to quote the whole of a long comment.

      I thought this should be repeated in it’s entirety.

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  13. It would be interesting if twit could send a nobody to ces and see if they get a press pass because i notice they piggyback on Dick DeBartolos Abc news credits

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    1. Leo sent Gum to MWC last year, made a big deal of the coverage and nothing…vendors snubbed Gum time and again!!! Like Leo, Gum did no prep for MWC, like his boss , just wings it and hopes the audience is as clueless as the hosts.

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  14. Leo will blurt out his unfunny musings literally off the cuff, not even the brain activity required to engage the vocal mechanisms are triggered, it’s a mutation or something. He’s an equal opportunity offensive dipshit.

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