Leo Laporte Says TWiT is Going Down the Tubes

Rare picture depicting Lisa Laporte harvesting money in the wild.

Because he is a pathological liar, it’s hard to trust anything that comes out of Leo Laporte’s mouth.

However, we do have the evidence of rapidly decreasing viewership (see stream viewer count), the comment bots on the videos (check YouTube), and ever-decreasing number of ads per show.

I think it’s safe to say that there’s at least a kernel of truth in his statements in the video above.

Megan’s brow-merged-with-bangs stressed face at the thought of being made redundant is evident. You can hear her absolute reliance on her employment by Laporte when she says her children will be put through college with TWiT paychecks.

Good luck, Megan!

This story happened thank to a tip. Please submit yours. I don’t want to watch TWiT, but you can help by sending us a DVR time (date/time and timestamp in the file).

61 thoughts on “Leo Laporte Says TWiT is Going Down the Tubes”

      1. I agree John was amazing and in some respects made the show entertaining and watchable. I watched the show from it’s inception. The content was great even though Leo was an egotistical megalomaniac I couldn’t resist listening in the beginning of the podcast because of John C. Oh well how things change.

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    1. Marrying an in-transition transexual who obviously knows jack shit about running a company (let alone a lemonade stand) really started it. She is going to be the cause of Leo’s (and TWiT’s) downfall.

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    1. Marrying a tranny mid-transition (with no clear indication of direction) after letting it run your business into the ground with no more business experience than running a falafel stand in Phoenix – now that’s a Chief Twit Level Joke!

      Not so funny for the employees or dependants of course but Hell, if it’s the only way Little Leo gets attention, I’m sure they’ll understand the sacrifice they’re expected to make.

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      1. You really are a garbage person, aren’t you? I get hating on Leo – that’s a total judgement-call, but why the hate against trans people? Please find another way to spew vitriol.

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        1. Trans people? Whatever happened to “Crazy”? Those people are the very definition of mentally ill. They are self indulgent, lazy ne’er do wells who prey on the sympathies of fucknuts like you. Grow up pussyface and stop feeling sorry for everyone else. Unless of course you too are a tranny. If that’s the case, please go fuck yourself. I know you’ve tried before.

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        2. He’s a yucky human being. Calling it vitriolic is being nice. It’s unfortunate how sick minds think. To think most states cut funding for mentally unstable beings is unfortunate.

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  1. Once there was a man from Nantucket,
    He thought he would do a podcast with his voice in a bucket,
    He found he could not carry a tune or show up before noon,
    It was decided then that he would just one day say fuck it.
    He grew to spend 5x the budget,
    with no more sponsors, no more paychecks would clear,
    his lower lip would start to sneer, it was a day to celebrate, the final cut. Everyone went home to podcast, no more studio, lights, motor cars, only a camera left, focused on his heated backyard bucket.

    The only thing that should live on beyond this site and twit’s usefulness, Leo’s real legacy that he spent his adulthood building up to:


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  2. A lot of people have approached me to suggest a revival of Abby’s Road with, wait for it, the addition of that rascally but lovable public intellectual, Professor (CUNY) Jeff Jarvis. You can’t tell me that won’t bring the punters back and the smiling sponsors with fists full of dollars.

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  3. Very sad, but he brought it on himself. Moved from small, cost-contained digs, was pressured by increased rent to move again. Alienated his supporters like Tom Merritt and John C Dvorak. Got his new wife to run the business which was the biggest mistake of all; never bring in relatives! Pushing sponsors with all of the presenter sincerity he could muster and then abandoning and sometimes criticizing them after they stopped paying; this, of course, clearly illustrates that the original words were mere fabrications intended to convey emotions disguised as truth. All of this developed into the turning of a good, sweet man with a good wife, a fine daughter, friends in tech, an excellent audio voice, and more, into what Leo has become today. This has no possible ending other than the one we are currently witnessing. Very sad indeed.

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    1. Chas Chadwick: All of this developed into the turning of a good, sweet man with a good wife, a fine daughter, friends in tech, an excellent audio voice, and more, into what Leo has become today.

      I think Leo’s current behavior has always been this way, but he had people around him to keep him in check. He had a rock solid facade that made him appear good and sweet, and everyone liked him and what he was doing, but then the cracks started forming and his fans started to see through his BS. This was around the time of his divorce, Lisa swooping in, and him being jealous of other talent in the building and getting rid of them because he was threatened.

      Once he no longer had people keeping him in check and had enablers around him to puff up his ego, it all went straight down hill.

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  4. Ironically, if Leo would have just done his podcasts without opening himself up with total transparency, he would not have the troubles he has today. He can fake his way through his shows, but now everyone knows what an asshole he is.

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  5. I agree much of this is a self inflicted wound but I would also note that tech podcasts in general are passe. I haven’t listened to DTNS in over a year, and that’s the best one out there IMO. Outside of a couple of Linux podcasts I listen to from time to time, most if my tech news comes from no agenda (when they do it). If I’m being honest with myself, the whole tech news is a bit boring. So you layer Leo’s antics on top of a dying segment of podcasting and it’s only a matter of time before it’s all over for Mr. Laporte’s TWIT.

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    1. OG David:
      I haven’t listened to DTNS in over a year, and that’s the best one out there IMO.

      I used to listen to several including DTNS and the main TWIT show. Now, the only one I watch is Steve’s SN. Several of us have told Steve that he may need to bring SN out of Leo’s network sooner than we all may think.

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      1. Chas Chadwick: I used to listen to several including DTNS and the main TWIT show. Now, the only one I watch is Steve’s SN. Several of us have told Steve that he may need to bring SN out of Leo’s network sooner than we all may think.

        Yeah, most of TWIT featuring LaPorke is unlistenable, SN and Floss become the exception on occasion when it is stuff that is of interest. Most of the Projects aren’t projects or absolute snooze fests. Most tech/security podcasts deliver better product.

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    2. If by “tech podcast” you mean the ones that cover just overpriced consumer electronics or the Linux shows aimed at inveterate distro-hoppers, I agree. But there are other shows on other aspects that continue to be interesting. One I listen to now is “Embedded” about the engineering challenges of small purpose-built computers and covers topics ranging from source-code control systems to neural networks, music keyboards, and minimizing battery drain.

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  6. How dare you suggest that Twit is going down the tubes? Leo is doing just fine. Sure, I’ve managed to drive away 75% of the chatroom with my hysterical, hateful attitude toward white people so that now the chat is almost completely dead. People used to be friendly but I fixed that didn’t I?

    So to the rest you I say keep hanging around. Soon it will be just me and Leo and his tiny, tiny cock. And the mods will never do anything about it. They are all afraid of me because of my medical license, which is a license to kill. I once stood by and watched a white racist die just because he voted for Trump. I could’ve help but why should I? As a doctor I have more kills to my name seal fucking team 6.

    So eat shit you KKK looking mother fuckers!
    Shalom Bee-atch!

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    1. You go Dr. Mom! I hate white people too! We should get together and have a march, scream at the sky and destroy Trump! His daughter is a cunt, his son’s a retard and his wife is a whore.

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  7. Listening to most guests on Leo’s shows is a form of audio torture. Andy Ihnatko, Christina Warren, Rene Ritchie and their disjointed, rambling, stream of consciousness babble are the best Leo can come up with these days? This week in ADHD.

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    1. CDP:
      Listening to most guests on Leo’s shows is a form of audio torture.Andy Ihnatko, Christina Warren, Rene Ritchie and their disjointed, rambling, stream of consciousnessbabble are the best Leo can come up with these days? This week in ADHD.

      These days? Soup has been riding these dummy’s coattales for at least 5 years now.

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  8. I love me some Fergie!

    A big TYFYC to the person that propagated the tip. I sincerely appreciate all the tips that totaldrama gets as I find myself hard-pressed to listen to Leo ANYTIME that I unmute his ass these days. Thank you to all the persons out there that continue to support this website.


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  9. To be honest I only occasionally listen to TWiT if Iain Thomson from the Register, or the Aussie Greg Ferro from Packet Pushers is on – all the other journalists are lightweights and boring.

    MacBreak Weekly is dead, Apple is dead, it’s a tedious overpriced phone and tablet consumer electronics company. Watching a group of people sycophantically rattle on about its irrelevant sh#t for two hours is awful.

    Security Now is an irrelevance, yes Steve does his homework, but it’s not worth the average person sitting through his very long podcast. Steve should have traded in his 50 Bitcoin at $17,000 and retired.

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      1. …. it’s a tedious overpriced phone and tablet consumer electronics company. Watching a group of people sycophantically rattle on about its irrelevant sh#t for two hours is awful.

        Boring company, boring products, boring podcast, only of interest to desperate iSheep who’ve wasted their money on an Apple shItephone, or Apple shItepad.

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    1. but it’s not worth the average person sitting through his very long podcast

      Yep, although sometimes he has a nugget or 2 to share.
      So, what I do now is on tues eve or Wed I just open his “show notes” document and skim thru it. Two hours of blather is reduced to 5 minutes.

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  10. i’m pretty much sick of podcasts in general due to the poor audio quality (tekthink, packet pushers, john c on no agenda), constant stuttering and stammering, right? (steve gibson, almost every twit guest), and boring content due to the tech industry being so stagnant lately. my advice to podcast consumers out there is to start reading books. they aren’t free, but they are cheap and you don’t need electricity to be entertained or informed.

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    1. Your not listening to the right podcasts then. The Joe Rogan Experience, Mixed Mental Arts, Tangentially Speaking, Ben Greenfield and dozens more…all with professional high quality audio.

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  11. I’ve been wondering just how “down the tubes” TWiT might actually be so early afternoon today (July 15) I went looking for some historical perspective of how TWiT shows have done and I found this comparison exactly 6 years apart from Podbay.fm..

    July 15, 2018 – http://podbay.fm/browse/technology
    (rankings from top 100 podcasts in technology)

    12 – This Week in Tech (audio)
    22 – Theeee Tech Guy (audio)
    25 – Security Now (audio)
    37 – MacBreak Weekly (audio)
    39 – Tech News Weekly (audio)
    69 – Windows Weekly (audio)
    86 – This Week in Google (audio)

    July 15, 2012 – https://web.archive.org/web/20120715061737/http://podbay.fm/browse/technology

    03 – Theeee Tech Guy (audio)
    04 – Tech News Today (audio)
    09 – MacBreak Weekly (audio)
    11 – Security Now (audio)
    15 – iPad Today (video large)
    16 – Tech News Today (video large)
    17 – Windows Weekly (audio)
    22 – This Week in Google (audio)
    23 – This Week in Tech (video HD)
    27 – MacBreak Weekly (video large)
    42 – iPad Today (audio)
    44 – This Week in Tech (video large)
    48 – Theeee Tech Guy (video large)
    60 – This Week in Computer Hardware (audio)
    69 – Before You Buy (audio)
    78 – This Week in Tech (video small)
    80 – The Social Hour (audio)
    86 – Home Theater Geeks (audio)
    87 – This Week in Google (video large)
    88 – Triangulation (audio)
    96 – Tech News Today (video small)
    97 – Windows Weekly (video large)
    98 – Security Now (video large)

    Podbay.fm rankings change every day so July 16th rankings won’t be the same as I listed above but does give an idea of the current state of TWiT programming popularity (ex: the Google cache of the site from July 14th has TWiT being 12th, Security Now at 24, Theeee Tech Guy at 25, etc).

    Comparing then to now, TWiT once had twelve audio podcasts and eleven video (of varying sizes) podcasts in the Technology top 100.. now it just has seven audio. TWiT has gone from having 23% of the top 100 technology podcasts to now just 7%.. seven shows in the top 25 to now only three.. thirteen in the top 50 to currently just five. Fair to say that TWiT has gone from being a 800lb gorilla throwing luggage around a cage to Cheetah the Chimp in a diaper.

    I use to believe that if either two or all of the TWiT Triumvirate (Jarvis, Gibson, Thurrott) left, or Leo losing his Theeee Tech Guy show, TWiT would foId but now I really don’t believe Leo is EVER going to stop netcasting under the TWiT banner. He has been broadcasting in one way or another for the past 40 years.. it is what he knows and loves. Plus he can’t just travel 24/7/365 and he loves getting new gadgets way too much to have that stop. Since it gets cheaper and easier to do all the time, there won’t be any technological reason he can’t keep doing it until he is very old or dies. I really can envision a netcast with a 71 year old Leo talking about “technology security” with a 73 year old Steve Gibson (who is still promising in 2028 that Spinrite 6.1 will ship soon on floppies) or talking “Google/Davos” with a 73 year old Jeff Jarvis. All these guys either love hearing their voices too much, think they are helping the world, hate being out of the limelight in any way, or have nothing better to do with their old age than to stop getting on netcasts/YT videos and share their wisdom/opinions/travel itineraries unless severe illness or death occurs. Will any one be listening is the question. Fortunately, this site will still be around to help us answer that!!

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    1. OUCH.. even worse for TWiT than I first posted as I just noticed somehow my cutting & pasting missed picking up #2 – This Week in Tech (audio) and I originally missed #19 Before You Buy (video large) as well as #51 – All About Android (video large) so TWiT actually had 26 shows in the top 100 (split evenly between audio & video), and 11 shows in the top 25

      Here is the revised list from July 15, 2012..

      02 – This Week in Tech (audio)
      03 – Theeee Tech Guy (audio)
      04 – Tech News Today (audio)
      09 – MacBreak Weekly (audio)
      11 – Security Now (audio)
      15 – iPad Today (video large)
      16 – Tech News Today (video large)
      17 – Windows Weekly (audio)
      19 – Before You Buy (video large)
      22 – This Week in Google (audio)
      23 – This Week in Tech (video HD)
      27 – MacBreak Weekly (video large)
      42 – iPad Today (audio)
      44 – This Week in Tech (video large)
      48 – Theeee Tech Guy (video large)
      51 – All About Android (video large)
      60 – This Week in Computer Hardware (audio)
      69 – Before You Buy (audio)
      78 – This Week in Tech (video small)
      80 – The Social Hour (audio)
      86 – Home Theater Geeks (audio)
      87 – This Week in Google (video large)
      88 – Triangulation (audio)
      96 – Tech News Today (video small)
      97 – Windows Weekly (video large)
      98 – Security Now (video large)

      Thanks Leica for your nice comment . Kind of torn between the thrill of clicking on this site in anticipation of reading about another TWiT/Leo screw-up, and just wishing Leo and his PR40 would get in his Dr. Evil chair and just roll away into the sunset. Love live Totaldrama.Net in live or archived form!!

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  12. Jeeze, Leo, how not to do social media! I think some of your people are on drugs. Strange off-putting laughter and inane talk.

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  13. Too much dog abuse also… ozzy stuffed, steve taunting with 40,000Hz, and Lisa wrapping one up in a sheet and angrily spinning/poking it.

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    1. Reality is his sponsors are charged too much so they go elsewhere. He flashed his junk, talks porn and his vacations too much and doesn’t have the guests. Plus filing a suit against Twitter went nowhere. He’s making mid six figures from his radio show for seniors who have nowhere else to go on weekends. He dodged YouTube and got stung, he never built apps for his network, and way overspent on his website redesign. Plus pissed off Merritt and others. Only listen to two shows for the ride home but it’s a hard listen. His 5 minute ads get old real quick. Plus his divorce cost him and Lisa isn’t a CEO but a bookkeeper by trade. He should’ve hired as sales guys long ago to save the 5 main ads that run over n over. Plus the erectile distinction ad was a low blow.

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