Leo Laporte Makes a Blowjob Joke to Megan Morrone and Threatens to Grope an Audience Member

Happy Holidays from Total Drama!

It’s been a busy time here at Total Drama headquarters (mom’s basement). Thank you to the numerous tipsters and chat room members who sent in tips and timecodes. We couldn’t do it without you.

In the clip above, Leo Laporte:

  1. Expresses joy that all the guests on The New Screen Savers are female and he gets to harass them from his position of power
  2. Makes a blowjob joke in front of Megan Morrone, saying that beer and head are all you need in life
  3. Threatens to grope an audience member after she specifically asks him not to grope her, later making a funny face as he imagines doing it

I don’t have much else to say, but I’ve enjoyed reading the comments, including the ones calling me an idiot or pronouncing the site dead.

Hilton A. Goring could not be reached for comment.

Leo is boring and his voice is poisonous after a while. If you can still bear to listen to him, please send us tips. Nothing will be posted when there’s nothing to post; we’re not dead.

It’s clear now — because he is a nobody — he is free to sexually harass whoever he pleases, and nobody will speak up, not even Shannon Morse.

38 thoughts on “Leo Laporte Makes a Blowjob Joke to Megan Morrone and Threatens to Grope an Audience Member”

          1. Leica Lens: It’s the first link in the article. Unfortunately, since you can’t read or comprehend very well, I’m afraid we won’t be able to extend an offer of employment.

            What are you racist because I am black?

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    1. Joel osteen:
      You are an idiot. The site is deadm you need to hand it off to someone else

      Don’t you have something even less important to bitch about and be offended by other than this website?

      Your life must be pretty exciting that you feel the need to come here and be the first to comment.

      I bet you are the type of person who says shit like “I’m a huge Star Wars fan and they have destroyed my childhood… Blah blah blah.”

      It’s time for you to reassess your existence on this planet.

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      1. Social Justice Warriors Ruin Everything: Don’t you have something even less important to bitch about and be offended by other than this website?

        Your life must be pretty exciting that you feel the need to come here and be the first to comment.

        I bet you are the type of person who says shit like “I’m a huge Star Wars fan and they have destroyed my childhood… Blah blah blah.”

        It’s time for you to reassess your existence on this planet.

        Alright. I did. I’ma kill myself now

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  1. Merry Christmas Leica Lens, thank you for all the hard work this year. From the video it looks like 2018 will be another busy year for Total Drama.

    Oh and a happy new year as well!

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  2. Yep I wanna stand up for LL too. There’s hardly anything to say cos people aren’t posting tips and the rest of us can’t bear to watch Twit. Those who keep saying the site should be handed to others – send in tips if you’re that concerned!

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    1. evilpants:
      Yep I wanna stand up for LL too. There’s hardly anything to say cos people aren’t posting tips and the rest of us can’t bear to watch Twit.Those who keep saying the site should be handed to others – send in tips if you’re that concerned!

      Or better yet let them start their own site! The more the merrier and all the more expedient to rid the world of TWIT!

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  3. I know Leo is a nobody, but how the hell does he get away with such blatant harassment in this climate? Men I’ve never heard of are losing their jobs, and yet Leo doesn’t have a single lawsuit or LWDA complaint against him?

    Ladies, in case you missed it, THIS IS YOUR TIME TO BE BELIEVED! Come forward and put that fucking Leo out of his misery.

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    1. Lisa’s Squeeze Box:
      It’s like… here’s my son… I pay his dad child support just so I can show everyone what a fine mom I am.

      Man, those boys never really look happy. Its as though they know what their Mom is doing and is embarrassed by it. Typical Facebag/instagram mom, “smile and look happy” for public pictures, but the home life must be horrible. Also, why does M’agn put up with that crap? She must be quite desperate for employment to continuously put up with the situations documented here. Finally, Sarah Lane, come out of hiding and say a word or two please. Thank you to the administrators of this fine site, documenting the worthlessness and sham that Leo is.

      Final lol, anyone remember when Leo got pissed that he was on twitter first and Brittney Spears just came on and had more followers than him, it was round 2006-2007. Good times.

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    2. Those eyes in that Instagram shot…Such madness in those eyes! and shouldn’t it be “Mrs. Laporte?” What does she think she’s his sister or something? Ewww, incest overtures….Ewwww.

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      1. digital dynamic:
        Those eyes in that Instagram shot…Such madness in those eyes!and shouldn’t it be “Mrs. Laporte?” What does she think she’s his sister or something?Ewww, incest overtures….Ewwww.

        Mrs Laporte is taken … just like Leo was “taken” by lisa’s gash that she so freely opened up to the tech perv.

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  4. Check out this blast from the past when we all liked Leo. Great collection of people in this that he eventually screwed over like JCD, Amber MacArthur, Roger Chang, Kevin Rose, etc. From 2017. Proof that there was a time before turbo bitch when Leo could keep it in his pants…


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    1. YT is NOT from 2017 but actually September 25, 2005.. TWiT Ep. 024.. back when there was actual interesting TECH to discuss.. until nowadays when TECH consists mostly of anything ELON (say it like Neil deGrasse Tyson says it) Musk, Uber, FB, Amazon, tech giants not paying “their fair share” of taxes, SJW, robots, self driving cars, problems with phone batteries, cryptocurrency, tech giants taking more control over our devices, people allowing tech giants to take more of each individuals privacy away with always listening home devices & apps, Jeff Bezos’ net worth, government & tech giant backdoors of devices and software, AI, big data, security breaches.. etc.

      I am probably in my “I’m getting old.. get off my lawn” mode but almost none of what I just wrote is interesting to me and much of it is not TECH in the sense I understood the term to mean from the late 1970s until the past few years. Not a surprise a lot of this changed after Steve Jobs (the person, not the Italian clothing company) died. I almost understand why all the shows on TWiT have sucked the past few years.. besides the hosts & lack of quality guest.. the topics have been dull!!

      We might have all liked Leo back in 2005 but he was a sexual harasser and major douchebag 20+ years ago and so talented at it that he could do it while being in another room from the lady..


      2018 – Another year closer to The World’s Long Nightmare ending.. Leo disconnecting & hanging up the Heil PR40 for good!!

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      1. Benny Hill:
        YT is NOT from 2017 butactually September 25, 2005.. TWiT Ep. 024.. back when there was actualinteresting TECH to discuss.. until nowadays when TECH consists mostly of anything ELON (say it like Neil deGrasse Tyson says it) Musk,Uber,FB, Amazon,tech giants not paying “their fair share” of taxes, SJW,robots, self driving cars,problems with phone batteries,cryptocurrency, tech giants taking more control over our devices, people allowing tech giants to take more of each individuals privacy away with always listening home devices & apps, Jeff Bezos’ net worth, government & tech giant backdoors of devices and software,AI, big data,security breaches.. etc.

        I am probably in my “I’m getting old.. get off my lawn” mode but almost none of what I just wrote is interesting to me and much of it is notTECH inthe sense I understood the term to meanfromthe late 1970s until the past few years.Not a surprise a lot of this changed after Steve Jobs(the person, not the Italian clothing company) died.I almost understand whyall the shows on TWiT have sucked the past few years.. besides the hosts & lack of quality guest.. the topics have been dull!!

        We might have all liked Leo back in 2005 but he was a sexual harasser and major douchebag 20+ years ago and so talented at it that he could do it while being in another room from the lady..


        2018 – Another year closer to The World’s Long Nightmare ending.. Leo disconnecting & hanging up the Heil PR40 for good!!

        Yeah, I got the year wrong but I wouldn’t put that much emphasis on Steve Jobs being some tech luminary. That kind of crap is what created the Elon Musk cultists of the world. Woz was more tech luminary than Jobs could ever dream of being. If anything Leo was more like Jobs which may explain his poor personal behavior. Remember Jobs abused people and denied his own daughter.
        To be honest, I could give a shit less about someone’s personal life so yeah, not a fan of reality TV or personal issues creeping into content.

        I’ve always said the key contributor to TWIT’s downfall is how everyone got to see the sausage being made and in spite of Leo’s increasingly outrageous and unacceptable behavior was still blindly supported by many of his fans.

        Perhaps if he were idolized less he might have actually developed a “filter” and self restraint. But power even if just perceived just makes bad behavior worse.

        I miss the innocence I had watching Leo before I bore witness to his now rampant misogyny and hubris.

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  5. They’ve been rehashing the “good old days” all day with the 2014 and 2015 new year’s specials.

    Turbo bitch is on full display but the interesting thing is how stark the difference is between then and now.

    They don’t do specials anymore mostly because they don’t give a shit about even their most sycophantic fans .

    Watching it is a stark contrast to what TWIT is now. A pale imitation of itself headed for oblivion with Leo grabbing ass the whole way down and his witch of a wife spending him into bankruptcy.

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    1. She got fat fat the same way I did.
      Much like me she was a cute kid up until puberty arrived. Oh sure we went to all the proms and dances but none of the boys wanted anything to do us and our seeping, weeping acne covered faces. ( I had it on my back and butt too. ) So we started eating, all the time.
      Soon no men would even talk to us so we ate even more. It was about this time when the acne spread to my twat region and that just killed any chance of ever getting laid except by maybe African immigrants or BIll Clinton.
      It was about that time I fell in love with the communist agenda in the US. What a great way to get back at those who shunned us for our whitehead covered genitalia. I joined a Russian cell and was mated to a shaven chimpanzee. (Thus the the retarded offspring.)
      After that it was Blintzes, boils and bananas for years until I got so bloated that I couldn’t even wipe my ass without several assistants and plenty of beach-towels.
      Now I am a highly decorated Ashkenazi doctor living large off the profits of medical experiments on the Goyim. Don’t hate us because we are beautiful the way we are. Hate us because of the atrocities we commit every day as revenge for not getting any dick in the 50’s.
      Shalom Suckas!

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  6. Why didnt Leo get called out during #metoo by the women he used to work with? Sara, Shannon, Morgan, Veronica, etc? Way to drop the ball, ladies. You should have buried him.

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    1. Patrick:
      Why didnt Leo get called out during #metoo by the women he used to work with? Sara, Shannon, Morgan, Veronica, etc?Way to drop the ball, ladies. You should have buried him.

      Because their all fucking pussies and whiny cunts. They deserve to be harassed.

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