Lisa vs Father Robert Ballecer: Will the Bricks Make the Move?

Lisa Kentzell Laporte is nasty
Gorgeous Lisa Kentzell Laporte

Leo Laporte and Lisa Kentzell Laporte say they will move the bricks. Father Robert wasn’t given his talking points and isn’t so sure. He has more specifics and says only “a few choice ones” will survive the move to the TWiT Eastside Studio.

Leo says it will be a while before they’re installed, perhaps hoping #sheeplive forgets by then?

Since each person involved is a known pathological liar, who do we believe?

Unfortunately, we can only present both sides above and let you decide.

77 thoughts on “Lisa vs Father Robert Ballecer: Will the Bricks Make the Move?”

  1. The fat guy in black may not have heard the news that they can move them, so he is lying about how ‘they’re trying’ to move them. Remember, Leo’s old lie before the contractor said they can be moved was that it was an impossible task. So fat priest is playing along like good little doggie lying about how they can’t save the bricks while they’re trying so gosh darn hard.

    However: If the fat guy in black is speaking from actually seeing the contractor having problems then Leo is outright lying, shameful. The contractor would have let his client know immediately if something he claimed he could do subsequently could not be done. There is no way fat guy in black knows and Leo doesn’t.

    Regardless, once the CEHo allocates resources to it she gets it done. What the fuck is she talking about? Asking the contractor a question is allocating resources? Who is she fooling, CEO.

    Another good article. Is someone new writing now????

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  2. Padre is gonna sweat even more in the new studio with no AC. I’m predicting a flood in Petaluma next week.

    And what’s with the fake porthole they made? Leo is such an idiot, he thinks things like porthole windows and fez caps are trademarks that define his network. Literally laughing my ass off.

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  3. What Leo really do is just buy replacement bricks with the exact same words because in reality what the people paid for the bricks isn’t the cost to produce them.

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  4. It’s disgusting how the hole clan there just contradicts each other, no real straight story on the famous bricks whom so many twit heads are so keenly interested about what will happen to them. I wonder how they feel now after LL begged and pleaded for so many months to buy a brick to support the buildout of the new brick house lol. Bet they feel let down, deceived and lied to, am I surprised? Hell no! To all the sheep twit heads, forget about your brick! These people got your money, they did whatever they pleased with it and that’s it. Write this one off as one to learn from, and stop obsessing about it already. How do you like that?!!!

    Just one man’s opinion.


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  5. To be fair to the Pillsbury Doughboy, L&L seem like they would keep all information to themselves rather than let the staff know anything that is not legally required.

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  6. There’s no way Leo knows what the hell is actually going on. That would mean that he would 1) have to listen to someone else and 2) actually remember what they said.

    Lisa is probably saying what she wants to happen without any real knowledge on the work it will take. Padre is probably reporting on the work that people are actually doing. I don’t really think there is any way they are going to actually put in the effort to get the adhesive off of them. And they certainly won’t be putting the big diamond club bricks back up. I’m sure that is a knife in his heart every time leo walks past those.

    Honestly, I think it is worse that they aren’t taking the drywall they had people sign. They said they had people like Nolan Bushnell sign it but they don’t have any way to move it. No one has the ability to take a reciprocating saw and cut the screws holding the drywall up so they can move it?

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  7. The winner of all this madness is the former Mrs. Laporte, Jennifer. She walked with several million, not having that pig Leo walking in the front door and having to listen to Leo exclaim how great his business partner Lisa is. Truly the winner and she took it all…

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  8. I have a feeling this move is going to go bad. When they moved from the cottage to the brick house they did a ton of testing before hand. They were doing test feeds and shows before the actual move. They seem to be winging it this time. Sunday is going to be interesting.

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    1. They are only winging it because they don’t have the quality staff to pull testing off anymore, plus testing can point out things that aren’t working right, etc, and L&L would rather cross their fingers and go in blind hoping nothing happens, because that would mean spending more money otherwise.

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      1. I do tech – proper enterprise tech. Any idiot who goes from build straight to production without a series of testing stages is well… an idiot.

        This whole week will be a complete shit show – and all to save a months double rent.

        The CeHo is a man tranny flippin moron!

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  9. Cheebert should know better than to ask about the stupid bricks anyway. He better hope that CEHo doesn’t hear about him questioning her judgement, or that might have been his last show.
    To anyone who gave these shitheads money for a brick to be permanently installed into a LEASED property, and think they will make the move: you are dumb.

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  10. Regardless of then moving the bricks or not (and I guess, as many things in liffe, it is a matter of how much resources aka money you throw at it) Lisa comes out as utterly arrogant.

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    1. AlexT said:
      Regardless of then moving the bricks or not (and I guess, as many things in liffe, it is a matter of how much resources aka money you throw at it) Lisa comes out as utterly arrogant.

      She’s quite the negotiator…isn’t she. LOL I wish I was that contractor…here’s how much Sweat Heart…$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. You won’t find a better deal … no need to look elsewhere or ask for other opinions or do online research…just sign the check. LOL

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  11. I don’t like them, but Leo and Padre have brains. The bricks were cemented in. It is not rocket science that the bricks, upon removal, will be ruined unless you put a lot of money into removal.

    Lisa, think. Do you know what cement is.

    The air head probably asked a contractor who never looked at it and relied on her explanation. Leo will save the bricks of people he knows. Chisel away.

    Most of the most loyal fans who paid for bricks are now his biggest critics. Half his fans, the No Agenda and diamond club people, they all abandoned him. I bet looking at the bricks opened his eyes to how badly he fucked up.

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      1. Maybe its projection on my part, but comparing the difference in the move to the Shoebox to the move to the Brickhouse, I got the feeling that Leo knows. He probably doesn’t care enough to do anything about it, but I think he knows.

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        1. Looking forward to that Makerspace said:
          Maybe its projection on my part, but comparing the difference in the move to the Shoebox to the move to the Brickhouse,I got the feeling that Leo knows. He probably doesn’t care enough to do anything about it, but I think he knows.

          Thank you!!
          We now have a new “appropriate” name for that small shithole studio

          “The EastSideShoeBox”

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  12. I’ll never understand the folks that donated money for a brick while tubby was already making big revenues through advertising. Only now you recognize that you were used?

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  13. Looks like Lisa is DMCA-ing all TD videos now. Maybe it would be better to use a foreign video hosting where DMCA is not applicable? Like in Russia, or something alike?

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    1. So, just playing a portion of the entire video violates the “no derivatives” portion of the version of the Creative Commons license TWiT is using?

      Or would it be allowed if TD didn’t provide comments or effects during the clip?

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    2. joe is a scriptkiddie said:
      Looks like Lisa is DMCA-ing all TD videos now. Maybe it would be better to use a foreign video hosting where DMCA is not applicable? Like in Russia, or something alike?

      There is no escape from the dmca thanks to copyright treaties. Besides your video violated the current license and the live feeds are full copyright you can’t post videos unless you host them your self and risk killing the site host via dmca.

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    1. They could put them on the raised floor. Then Leo could have another way to walk all over the fans who supported his business.

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  14. There’s no such thing as ‘bad’ publicity. I think Leo Laporte owns this website. All they care about is the number of visits to the Twit website, this totaldrama site probably generates millions of visits per year and mostly by people who would not normally go there. It’s brilliant.

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  15. Is it me or does “ManTranny” aka CeHo have a 5:00 hour o’clock shadow going on?
    looks like Barry Obama’s “ManBitch” aka Michael Obama and “ManTranny” could be brothers from another mother

    Fuck U fatfuck LaFuck

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  16. You know, I almost feel bad for Leo. I’ve been popping in and out of the DVR to see how the studio is coming along — days after the grand opening, and they still only have the round table set complete… and they’re still stringing things together to make them work (they couldn’t even get a chat room on a monitor for Leo during MBW).

    He even admitted during the MBW pre-show that the new studio was just “simulation” of a real studio and the new studio doesn’t have any charm. Just a facsimile of the brickhouse. Regardless of how I currently feel about Leo and TWiT, it was exciting in the beginning, and the Brickhouse, while probably too big and ambitious and ultimately spelled the downfall of the network, was a beautiful studio (I still miss the original TNT set!). It was Leo’s dream come true. He built a gorgeous studio and network on his terms – then he flushed it all away.

    He just looks so dejected. Don’t get me wrong — he dug himself into this hole so he totally deserves it — but man, he just looks so sad.

    I think I’m mostly feeling sad for the old Leo. The one from the early twit days, before his true nature really became clear.

    I can’t help but wonder how long Leo and Lisa will be together once the dust settles in the new studio. I find it hard to believe that he doesn’t blame her for his losses. He gave her the keys to his kingdom and she destroyed it. There has to be some animosity there.

    Sorry for the long post. It’s late and I’m feeling nostalgic for the old days.

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    1. I have to agree.

      I stopped listening to TWIT two or three years ago so much of the news here is new to me. I stumbled across this website by complete chance and reading some of the articles has made me realise how far down a hole the network has fallen.

      From the outside, it does appear many of the mistakes made by former employers have been replicated by Leo; I’m still trying to reconcile Leo shitting on (metaphorically speaking) long time friend John Dvorak.

      Hubris will likely end the Twit network – like its rise, the fall will be by Leo’s own hands.

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    2. I agree with everything except the last part, neither is leaving the other. Lisa needs him for money, and it’s not like Leo is getting any younger or richer. You think he’s going to leave her to die alone?

      He is probably too foolish to even blame her for anything, if and when TWiT fades into obscurity it will be “the trolls that did it” or “podcasting is so last decade” or some other made up excuse.

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  17. “Will the Bricks Make the Mo…”
    The YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated due to multiple third-party notifications of copyright infringement.

    Lisa and Leo ain’t playing games anymore, though I’d have to think this is probably Father Fat Fuck.

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        1. China obides by copyright treaties? That’s something new.

          Well I can speak for Russia. I’m Russian myself and the biggest Russian social networks all host copyrighted music and latest Hollywood movies without a problem. You can go stream them now and you can an embed them anywhere.

          I’ll tell you more than that. One of my friends is a low budget producer here in Midwest. His film was posted on and he tried to DMCA it.

          The Russians told him flat out that they won’t honor the DMCA because it’s not applicable to the Russian law. They said he will have to go through the “Russian” process which is so much pain in the ass that he decided to give up.

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          1. I’ll also add that only a fraction of all properly submitted complaints to Russian sites are ever successful. There are countless articles about this topic online.

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  18. They had the biggest change to the network in the last 5 years on Sunday and your guys haven’t said anything about it? Too busy trying to repost your lame videos?
    This site is a fucking joke now. You guys might think they’re dying, but this site seems to be dying a hell of a lot faster.
    Bye, Felicia.

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      1. Ken Sintek said:
        Wrong.The “change” is a fucking joke.If there was something worthy to post than it would be posted you smarmy dumbfuck.


        Fuck You Laporke! How do ya like that?

        I love how people keep posting “how do you like that” to Leo. I don’t think he cares

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        1. Leo cares enough to take down videos that make him look like the pig that he is. He also cares enough to pursue those who expose him on Twitter (God bless you @LeoLaporteSucks, thank you for your efforts).

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          1. joe is a scriptkiddie said:
            Leo cares enough to take down videos that make him look like the pig that he is. He also cares enough to pursue those who expose him on Twitter (God bless you @LeoLaporteSucks, thank you for your efforts).

            Except that he doesn’t care. Of course he will take videos that make him look bad down. Anybody would. You don’t have a right to his stuff.

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  19. Damn it now looks crammed in this budget studio, the main set they have up looks small and closed in. Better sets can be made cheaper with some imagination. I can wait for TWIT to close down I fucken hate them

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  20. Also, I’m a little confused about the space itself. It looks like there are a lot of offices, some of which can be shared by two or three people still with ample space for everyone if necessary, but it looks they’re shoving most of the staff into hallway cubicles.

    Who’s taking the actual offices? How much do you wanna bet Lisa’s giving those to her Artisanal staff?

    The tour just seemed weird because Leo kept passing all of these spacious offices, but pointing out how they’re shoving 8 editors in a corner in the hallway. It was strange.

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    1. You’re right, it’s funny how we can totally read those two for who they really are.

      What are all those offices for? Probably going to special people like the Fat Mexican and Lisa’s cadre of femme fatale employees at Art is Anal.

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    2. JAS said:
      Also, I’m a little confused about the space itself. It looks like there are a lot of offices, some of which can be shared by two or three people still with ample space for everyone if necessary, but it looks they’re shoving most of the staff into hallway cubicles.

      Who’s taking the actual offices? How much do you wanna bet Lisa’s giving those to her Artisanal staff?

      The tour just seemed weird because Leo kept passing all of these spacious offices, but pointing out how they’re shoving 8 editors in a corner in the hallway. It was strange.

      Leo’s office bigger than it was at brickhouse.
      Fuck the peasants

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  21. I’m with Lou. You guys are all missing the point. Lisa is a 10. I bet she’s wearing a g string under that red dress that Leo flosses with. I’d divorce my wife and flush my company down the toilet for a taste of that ass, too. God bless Leo! He’s an inspiration to us all!

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    1. Garth said:
      I’m with Lou. You guys are all missing the point. Lisa is a 10. I bet she’s wearing a g string under that red dress that Leo flosses with. I’d divorce my wife and flush my company down the toilet for a taste of that ass, too. God bless Leo! He’s an inspiration to us all!

      Fuck that!!! Look at her face (in the red dress pic). She looks like a man for fuck sake. He really does!!!

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    1. Storm is exactly right, if you go back to the inside twat posting showing the bricks being set, either with thinset or a adhesive mastic, either of which renders removal of the tiles impossible. If Lisa had turned her vast management and bookkeeping skills to the wall when it was spected out, she would have specified panels which could be removed and moved when the Shithouse became a drain on her vacation plans.

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