Man of God: Father Robert Ballecer Accepts Bribe for Glowing Acer Laptop Review

Father Robert Ballecer
Fr. Robert Ballecer
This is the Total Drama series Man of God, in which we chronicle the exploits of one Father Robert Ballecer, aka Grimace in a Priest Costume, aka The Digital Jesuit, aka <PadreSJ>, aka FMCP, aka <MentalHealthSJ>. Please use our dvr and send in tips with examples of his very Christlike behavior.

In the Know How pre-record above — the episode has not been posted for download as of the date of this posting — Father Robert Ballecer puts away a Synology router he just finished fawning over, lamenting the fact that he can’t do giveaways on the show, even though Synology would allow it, because Leo and Lisa Laporte do not allow him to do so. Robert says specifically that he cannot keep the router because it’s a conflict of interest, so he must send it back or give it away.

Not one hour later, he does nearly an entire episode devoted to a “review” you can see part of in the clip above. After the review is over, he states that he’s keeping the laptop. Notice that Father Robert always uses Acer computers and is a bought and paid for Acer shill.

It seems odd to see a priest with no moral compass, but we guess that explains why he works at TWiT.

64 thoughts on “Man of God: Father Robert Ballecer Accepts Bribe for Glowing Acer Laptop Review”

    1. > TD has been doing a pretty solid job lately.


      > I think this is what we all want.

      I think there are two or three “Eat a dick” people (See the inevitable upcoming replies to this comment) who are disappointed with the direction TD has taken recently, but yes, this is what the vast majority of readers want.

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  1. You mean Padre only gives favorable reviews to companies who give him products? If that’s true, then he should donate the laptop and synology router to some poor person who needs them instead of keeping them for himself.

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    1. this is not uncommon in and among low-end operations like Twit. It’s not as though Twit could be more on the up and up but not when Leo is pocketing pretty much all the money and he brags about it too. The Padre should keep the laptop and everything else he can get his hands on. He gets paid nothing. And who cares what he says in the review?

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    1. > please keep up the satire.

      The problem with most of what I think you are calling satire was that the “satire” was not presented as satire, but as factual reportage when in fact it was a bunch of bullshit, harmful, libelous lies about real people posted by a sick numbskull using a fake name and hiding behind anonymizing proxies.

      The “satire” was also absurdly repititious such that it would only appeal to little kids who never tire of hearing the same joke over and over. (Or adults with the emotional or intellectual maturity of small children.)

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      1. Reality Check said:
        > please keep up the satire.

        The problem with most of what I think you are calling satire was that the “satire” was not presented as satire, but as factual reportage when in fact it was a bunch of bullshit, harmful, libelous lies about real people posted by a sick numbskull using a fake name and hiding behind anonymizing proxies.

        The “satire” was also absurdly repititious such that it would only appeal to little kids who never tire of hearing the same joke over and over. (Or adults with the emotional or intellectual maturity of small children.)

        Did you know Megan is a mommy? If you watched the latest IOS Today you would know, as about 20 minutes in Ms.Caterpillar Eyebrows mentioned the kids she shit out!

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      2. Reality Check said:
        > please keep up the satire.

        The problem with most of what I think you are calling satire was that the “satire” was not presented as satire, but as factual reportage when in fact it was a bunch of bullshit, harmful, libelous lies about real people posted by a sick numbskull using a fake name and hiding behind anonymizing proxies.

        The “satire” was also absurdly repititious such that it would only appeal to little kids who never tire of hearing the same joke over and over. (Or adults with the emotional or intellectual maturity of small children.)

        So what’s your real name Reality if you’re so brave?

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  2. What even the fuck is Know How anymore? Iyaz started it as a DIY show, now it’s transformed into whatever the fat priest is interested in that week? Maybe it’s a drone, maybe it’s a NAS, maybe it’s some random video he recorded at a trade show… but probably it’s gonna be drones.

    And why does he get to prerecord his shit shows when it’s not done on any other show? Is it because he has Asperger’s?

    And that hairy ape Bryan Burnett is seriously lacking in personality. His only defining characteristic is… that he’s willing to work with that disgusting gluttonous blob?

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      He’s the National Director for Vocation Promotion, which apparently means playing with drones and networking gear all day.

      But so what if he’s an ‘official’ priest? In our eyes we know he’s a sham who spends almost no time doing anything even remotely priestly, other than maybe doing mass once a year on Christmas. Not only does he not do any priestly work, he doesn’t even seem to do anything relating to his verbose title of National Director for Vocation Promotion; none of what this guy does is promoting vocations in either the priesthood or technology. There’s not even a vocation angle to any of the content he produces. He’s a podcaster pure and simple, his frock is a sham. I guess he just wears it as an achievement badge for having once gone through the steps of being a priest.

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      1. Jimmy Jam said:

        He’s the National Director for Vocation Promotion, which apparently means playing with drones and networking gear all day.

        But so what if he’s an ‘official’ priest? In our eyes we know he’s a sham who spends almost no time doing anything even remotely priestly, other than maybe doing mass once a year on Christmas. Not only does he not do any priestly work, he doesn’t even seem to do anything relating to his verbose title of National Director for Vocation Promotion; none of what this guy does is promoting vocations in either the priesthood or technology. There’s not even a vocation angle to any of the content he produces. He’s a podcaster pure and simple, his frock is a sham. I guess he just wears it as an achievement badge for having once gone through the steps of being a priest.

        It could be his way if living for free with as little work as possibly. Food stamps didn’t pay for enough with a man his size

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    1. He lost it at the TOXIC environs of Twit. He may as well be working for Satan. Leo says he is an atheist, but Lisa is an obvious sex demanding satanist, seems to me. So Leo is one too.

      For all you know the priest was sent to Twit to save it from hell. The problem is he is not very good.

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  3. Most reviews in general are a sham. Father Rubber Ballsacker is just another one that gets products sent to him for free so a company can get a glowing review. If a tech reporter doesn’t give a product a company sends them for free a glowing review, companies stop giving tech reporters things for free. LOL and don’t believe for a second Leo doesn’t get things for free from companies either. For example “Bandwidth for TWiT is provided by CacheFly.” He’s not giving Cache Fly the advertisement on every podcast out of the kindness of his heart.

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  4. Padre did a show about a year ago, “Know How” or possibly another show, descrbing how people can snoop on router traffic. He showed exactly how you put a computer between the router and the modem. Then he showed exactly how and where to download Wireshark or whatever it’s called now and set up the computer to log all the internet traffic. He showed how to filter the data for the content of others that you’d enjoy seeing. He made numerous remarks broadly hinting that he enjoyed doing this not just to “monitor network performance” but to snoop on his friends, co-workers, or strangers.

    At the time, I kept trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. I kept saying to myself, “It sounds like he’s saying he has snooped at data he shouldn’t be looking at, but he can’t really be saying that.” Now I know he was admitting to snooping for fun along with a lot of other immoral behavior like the taunting on Twitter of an emotionally disturbed person that I wrote about previously in the TD comments under a now forgotten name.

    Aside from whether or not he did snoop, it was surprising that he would give a lesson on exactly how you too can snoop on your friends and family. It’s one thing to describe generally how it’s done, but another to hand-hold the viewer in an exact detailed lesson to the extent that if his “Know How” had been text on a webpage he would have linked to the snooping tools needed.

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    1. Making fun of the mentally ill, now that’s fucked up behavior. Does he kick homeless people for fun too?

      I get that being a priest doesn’t necessarily mean you spend all your working hours in a church doing mass and confessions. But this guy, he flies in the face of all that any religious person should believe, let alone a representative of the whole faith.

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  5. Ha. Ha. LyingPriest does it again. He whores himself out to pay for the tech toys that daddy Leo wont give him. How does he have all that stuff when he really has no way to pay for it?

    That’s not a question. Or was it rhetorical ?

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  6. Lisa’s Ct said:
    Most Jesuits don’t do traditional ‘priestly’ work. They teach generally at a a large number of Jesuit schools across the world.

    The rationale is that having a Jesuit go into the public as a regular person, at a regular job, and interact with regular folk as a Jesuit, will be a shining example of what a Jesuit can be. Provided he acts in accordance with Jesuit teachings. This is especially true when done in the priestly attire.

    The hope is that the public sees a Jesuit who is a great teacher, doctor or other vocation and sees how he acts with morals and kindness. Hopefully a person becomes inspired by Jesuits and their teachings. Even if folks do not become a Jesuit they may develop good feelings towards the Jesuits.

    If podcastering was a high profile job with good people doing good work, albeit secular, and one of the people podcasting was a Jesuit it would be a good thing. It would lift the public perception of Jesuits. It would make Jesuits more approachable.

    It needs not be said that the Church would not want a Jesuit working as a bouncer at a whorehouse or a dealer at a casino.

    What TWiT is and where it lies on the spectrum from a university to a whorehouse is your call to make as a viewer.

    Reality Check said:
    Padre did a show about a year ago, “Know How” or possibly another show, descrbing how people can snoop on router traffic. He showed exactly how

    Most Jesuits are good, kind people and Robert Ballacer is not who we are. Every group has problems and we Jesuits are not without ours. Robert does a lot of work for the Church’s website and maybe he gets too much leeway as a result of that work.

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    1. copper penny said:
      So he’s not actually keeping the notebook, but just using it for a bit longer, did I hear that correctly?

      Yeah to shill for the next few weeks then he’ll probably be sent another note saying “nice job just keep it we’re too busy to deal with it again wink wink”.

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  7. He needs to decide on what path to pursue in life, he cannot have it both ways and have any credibility. Be a priest or a techie, one choice and go with it.

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  8. I just figured out that Jason is the male Christina Warren: greasy hair, big ears, scuzzy appearance, minimal talent at best. Both are losers, but Christina wins since she hates kids and will never have any.

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  9. he got a note saying it’s ok, just keep it a bit longer and he doesn’t understand what is going on,

    what does he think, the shelf at acer was full,

    he belongs at twit, they have a news network, allegedly, and have no one who ever took a course in journalism ethics

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  10. And so the term “No strings attached”. I would really like a new Predator, but I would not covet it. Time for a stay at a Jesuit retreat house Fr.. Pray, reflect, and dedicate.

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  11. The Fat Father will take anything these shitty OEM’s want to send him to “review” because like most of the twats, he’s more than happy to be a shill. I mean he’s learned from the most epic of shills, pseudo professor Jeff Jarvis. The shills to end all shills. Who was bought, flown and paid for by Google to travel to Europe and argue on Googles behalf to convince the EU not to limit their reach and stronghold in the Euro Zone.

    The ethos of this slimy bastard= let Google do what they want, they’re honest and their desire to have carte blanche control over any type of regulatory control is in the best interests for everyone and everything. Dare you slander my beloved Google and there will be hell to pay.

    A weak, tepid, vile son of a bitch. TD should focus more of their loathing in his direction.

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    1. Jarvis is the shining example of why men should kill themselves if they lose their balls. He went from respectable to shill begging for anything he can get that gives him the thrill sex can’t.

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  12. This is only becoming more common. Like these Twitch and YouTube retards who are trivially used by marketing and PR. Why bother with established reviewers when you can completely feed your message unfiltered through some stupid, mindless amateur absolutely desperate for views/likes/subscribers. They have absolutely zero integrity.

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    1. The Patrick Klepto said:
      This is only becoming more common.Like these Twitch and YouTube retards who are trivially used by marketing and PR.Why bother with established reviewers when you can completely feed your message unfiltered through some stupid, mindless amateur absolutely desperate for views/likes/subscribers.They have absolutely zero integrity.

      Most of the people here who are outraged at reviewers keeping review machines would sell their souls for a 16gb thumb drive.

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  13. out of all the companies you could be a shill for, why acer? why?!
    they build garbage…….like id ever buy a “gaming “laptop from them…………..

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  14. Pure and simple, the people that listen to Leo are old farts 70 years old and older or weirdos that still drive a 1978 Dodge Charger and all it has in it is an A.M. radio in the dash. If you are still tuning an A.M. radio to find out what new fangled gizmo came out this week, then you might as well stick with playing Atari Space Invaders on your Zenith wood console T.V. because trying to play Atari Space Invaders on an Android or iPhone is going to be way too small for your failing eyesight to see. And now on to something more modern than TWiT.

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    1. Objectionable person, you probably mug old people in the street for their pension or shopping, just because you are younger and stronger. In the past young men would go to war to protect the freedom of the ‘gentle people’ back home.
      Oh how the world has deteriorated, what dreadful scum now have access to amazing things like computers to just spew hateful filth with the click of a mouse button. Be ashamed… be very ashamed!
      Very very sad!

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  15. Nope just A.M. F.M. is too modern for his audience so they will just have to visit the website on the cell phone Leo told them to buy when they miss an answer because their A.M. radio faded out when they passed under a bridge or crackled during a lightning strike. LOL

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  16. I guess his name isn’t BallACER for nothing.

    Shame to chose such a sucky brand to paddle for, I guess there was a distinct lack of interest from the more up-market guys.

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