Leo Laporte Can’t Even Get Anyone to Call “The Tech Guy” Anymore

Yesterday, we told you about there being no audience for The New Screen Savers. Today, we bring you a similar story.

Leo Laporte has finally run out of children, grannies, and long-haul truckers to call his sham of a call-in technology help show. The Tech Guy is his actual radio show where he encourages call-ins regarding “anything with a chip in it” while instead discussing his latest cruises with Johnny Jet and ridiculous cameras he buys with Chris Markfart.

Even Leo’s child stalker Elliot has lost interest. Will Premiere continue to allow Leo to request fake callers while parent company iHeart Media’s finances dive off a cliff?

Leo jokes about the situation, but perhaps people have finally reached their limit and he has worn out his welcome.

70 thoughts on “Leo Laporte Can’t Even Get Anyone to Call “The Tech Guy” Anymore”

      1. >Serving shut-ins, the elderly and lonely since 2007

        And don’t forget TotalDrama IRC chatters who are Leo’s most loyal and devoted audience and who probably belong in at least one if not all three of those groups.

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    1. Heather often has some other things going on, another job or something, I forget. Her friend Kim Shaffer is Heather’s frequent relief call screener. Kim is sexy and has a cool personality compared to Heather who is sickenly sweet and excessively chipper in a professionally phony way. I’d love to date Kim. I wouldn’t go near Heather. OTOH, they’re both probably gay. Not that …

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    2. Joel Osteen said:
      What happened to the phone ranger heather?

      Since Heather has a weekly full time job, to come in both Saturday and Sunday was making her work a 7 day workweek. So…. These 2 (Heather and Kim Shaffer) switch off and take turns one day or the other.

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      1. PMB said: Since Heather has a weekly full time job, to come in both Saturday and Sunday was making her work a 7 day workweek. So…. These 2 (Heather and Kim Shaffer) switch off and take turns one day or the other.

        I’d like them to take turns riding my BBC.

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  1. The way tech is headed it’s closing on 100% user stuff that is obvious to use. Nobody wants the kind of thing that The Tech Guy addressed. What phone should I get? Which app is the best? Ugh. Even the calls he gets are not really tech subjects — not really. This is too bad for Leo and it’s a loss for our tech culture.

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    1. Charles Chadwick said:
      The way tech is headed it’s closing on 100% user stuff that is obvious to use. Nobody wants the kind of thing that The Tech Guy addressed. What phone should I get? Which app is the best? Ugh. Even the calls he gets are not really tech subjects — not really. This is too bad for Leo and it’s a loss for our tech culture.

      When i used to listen to this show every week, i always cringed and turned off the show when the camera part would come on. I don’t think cameras have much to do with tech. Sure they themselves do, but the way they talked about them…no they weren’t. They talked about picture taking, not the tech of cameras.

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  2. The Podcasts I take the time to listen to have to be interesting, informative and entertaining (most of the time). The TechGuy is none of the above. The Joe Rogan Experience, No Agenda Show, RadioLab and about half a dozen others (fitness, smart drugs, self-improvement, etc). It’s a pleasant distraction during mindless tasks at work and when working out or driving in the car. With so much outstanding and evolving content available why the hell would you waste a minute of your life listening to “The TechGuy”. Unless of course your life has no meaning and you hate yourself…which is a perfect match because Leo hates you to. It’s likely the case that Leo’s soothing voice is like an opiate to his “all in” ignorant followers. These people out of habit have to have their “Leo fix” every weekend forever chained to their addiction. Could it be we are now witnessing some of these folks going into recovery? Time will tell.

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    1. I listened to No Agenda last night after getting in a childish Twitter fight defending John. John even engaged in and it ended all good, even with the person who insulted John. I love No Agenda, unfortunately I only have so much, my time.

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  3. Heather has a week day radio job, she was working 7 days, hince the “dry” period with her love life, which I’m sure Leo would have liked to filled in , if it weren’t for the home wrecking slut he married having compleat control over his every movement.

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  4. i put on the live stream, and IOS today was on, and Meghan remarked they only had one question!!?

    btw, this shit is fucking un watchable… so condescending, and nothing but ads.

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    1. pewtie said:
      i put on the live stream, and IOS today was on, and Meghan remarked they only had one question!!?

      btw, this shit is fucking un watchable… so condescending, and nothing but ads.

      I watched that live stream, too, and within 3 minutes she talked about when she should introduce her crotch droppings to a specific movie.

      Disgusting breeder.

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      1. > she talked about when she should introduce her crotch droppings [children] to a specific movie. Disgusting breeder.

        Have you checked your water supply recently for the presence of heavy metals? Lead and mercury, especially, can cross the blood/brain barrier and cause symptoms such as the ones you are currently experiencing.

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        1. Dr. Feels Your Pain said:
          >she talked about when she should introduce her crotch droppings [children] to a specific movie. Disgusting breeder.

          Have you checked your water supply recently for the presence of heavy metals? Lead and mercury, especially, can cross the blood/brain barrier and cause symptoms such as the ones you are currently experiencing.

          I think YOU should check your water since you think it’s fine that she’s reducing IOS Today to a kids’ show.

          You must be one of those not-too-bright breeders who must fill your life with crotch droppings since you are not intelligent enough to savor what life offers, not watching the same Disney movie a million times.

          The most intelligent, cool people I know ate non-breeders.

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  5. I havn’t listened to this show in well over six months now and I don’t even miss it. Some other podcast easily fills the void. Besides, I can just read the highlights a lot faster than wasting my time listening if something big is discussed, which is unlikely these days.

    The show should be cancelled due to low listening numbers, or you would think.

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  6. We have reached a point where tech news and information has been commoditized. A grandmother or a 12 y/o kid get their news and tech info somewhere else. There is so much better help and tech news in other places! They no longer listen to or watch a fat old white has been. They go to theverge.com or hell even Yahoo Tech and get better entertainment and knowledge than TWiT. Leo brought this upon himself. He has truly hit the bottom of the “race to the bottom”.

    Au revoir, Leo and CEhO.

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  7. The Tech Guy with #Soup Laporte=

    1. #Soup Googles the question while the caller is live on air
    2. #Soup asks the chat room and they provide the answer, by Googling it.


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  8. I like this notion that Leo isn’t actually bringing tech to anyone, and that he’s actually become a hindrance to general tech awareness and a cancer to the general tech scene. Maybe a boil on the ass off tech.

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  9. His downfall continues. This is great! Besides his lousy advice, I think many viewers / callers are tuning out due to the overabundance of ads, especially during the live stream. The CEHo is too stupid to realize flooding shows with two-minute ads turns people off, especially with non-tech products.

    I read recently that one of the big networks -CBS? – is decreasing their ad loads for this reason. Also, Turner netwoks as well. This is the reason that TWIT needs a real CEO that can acknowledge these trends and adapt.

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    1. holden said:
      The CEHo is too stupid to realize flooding shows with two-minute ads turns people off

      What ad on TWiT has been 2 minutes in the last 2-5 years? They suck the advertiser’s dick for at least 4 minutes now. 10 if it’s Audible or Ring Video Doorbell.

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    1. Kraut is a derogatory term used during the World Wars of the previous century to refer to Germans, mainly its soldiers, and has been retired for at least a half century. Why are you applying it to a photographer in 2016?

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      1. Du Bist Ein Idiot said:
        Kraut is a derogatory term used during the World Wars of the previous century to refer to Germans, mainly its soldiers, and has been retired for at least a half century. Why are you applying it to a photographer in 2016?

        Listen to his accent – it’s full of world domination.

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        1. holden said: Listen to his accent – it’s full of world domination.

          Making sweeping and derogatory generalizations about a group of people based on their ethnicity, nationality, accent, or appearance is what lead to the German and other holocausts. Welcome to the club, mein Fuhrer.

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          1. Goebbels said: Making sweeping and derogatory generalizations about a group of people based on their ethnicity, nationality, accent, or appearance is what lead to the German and other holocausts. Welcome to the club, mein Fuhrer.

            I’m using history as a basis for my comment.

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  10. I somehow stumbled upon an old episode of The Screensavers last night on YouTube and it’s obvious why Leo is a failing has-been: he’s literally saying the same things he was in 1999.

    From that programming book he owns but hasn’t read to getting kids “interested in tech” using robots like the Lego Mindstorm, it’s all rehashed.

    Leo hasn’t learned a new thing about tech in decades! Just bits and pieces like smartphones and expensive cameras. But his general tech knowledge is still stuck in the 90s. Just watch any old TechTV video and you’ll see how this guy is coasting on work he did two decades ago. And the work of others as well, from the Martin Sargeant chalkboard to the 3Com Netcam Network, it’s obvious how little ingenuity ever existed at TWiT. If Leo was the owner or main creative force behind TechTV I could see him rehashing everything down to the set designs. When you hear Leo drone on about recreating TechTV as he often does, you forget he was but a mere employee. It’s too bad he never got his ass sued before all those trademarks expired because he’s shameless.


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  11. buahahahah…. so sad to watch that old clip.

    look how much energy he has and how slim he was…. oh what he could have been if his laziness and narcissism hadnt consumed him.

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  12. Notice on every Ring Native Ad, Leo claims he’s in the bath tub… Now tell me, other that bed assist lift that Abby lifted from her hospital stay, how the hell is Leo going to pry his oversized ass out of a bath tub??? Another Leo lie, he doesn’t want to admit his big ass is stuck in Lisa’s sex swing.

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  13. This has to be the end for Leo… shouldn’t this weekend in particular (most especially for TNSS, but even for this simpleton tech call-in help show) essentially make for their “biggest” of the year?

    I mean, for generalized tech/digital doodads/gizmos, does it get any bigger than CES week? Sure, you’ll have more specialized events throughout the year (E3 for games, SDComicCon for nerd-dom, etc.)… but I’d imagine for TWIT’s primary subject matter, is such that it finds CES at something of an apex.

    This all does seem like it’s going downhill at an incomprehensible rate. I can’t believe even the biggest, oldest detractors of TWIT ever really imagined there’d be… this. You’d think there’d be at least one obsessive, stalker-esque nut taking up a chair or a phone line… barring that, the LaPorte family taking up voice acting. Excluding even that, Leo offering a bottle of water and a warm place to sit at the nearest homeless shelter (apparently, his own future place of residence.)

    I’ve got to think a lot of this stems from the JCD feud – likely one of Leo’s single biggest mistakes (outside of all things Lisa, that is). TWIT content being shit turned off 99% of the general audience, and then trying to burn every bridge with JCD saw to it that even the dedicated, hardcore & longtime audience -the crazily obsessive sort who’d call in every single show, or what all have you- abandoned ship as well.

    Because… whoa. This past weekend, you’d almost have to expect that even for an egotistical blowhard like Leo, he’s gonna need to be put on suicide watch or something. Embarrassing and/or devastating doesn’t even begin to cover it – TNSS and the security guard was insane enough, but then, with TTG, this…? I’ll now be rather shocked if TWIT survives all the way into February, barring a seismic turnaround.

    What’s the saying: In the end, everybody gets what they deserve? Karma’s a real bitch? Just desserts, and all that jazz…

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      1. Probably the best way to find the relevant entries about the JCD thing is using this site’s “Search” button (magnifying glass with turquoise background, top right) and enter John’s last name. You’ll see a bunch of entries, most recent first.

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  14. It’s pathetic enough that he has no one in the studio audience for TNSS but it just sounds even worse hearing his staff half-heartedly cheering after the cold read intro to TNSS. Oh How the mighty have fallen. At least Iain Thompson got to see first hand how sad and pathetic the TWiT network really is.

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      1. It’s a TV show, canned laugh track would fit right in!

        But with sycophants like JammerB always cackling in the background, they kinda have a built-in laugh track anyway.

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  15. Sometimes even with my stone cold heart, I pity the loss of Leo’s dream network. Then I here the famous sound bite ” Fuck you. How do you like that? Bye Leo.

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  16. Declining shit house visitors are the direct result of CEO Lisa la Cunt not wanting to get trolled, stalked or her slit licked. One has to pre-arrange the visit with a email, which then gives padre a chance to wash the address thru one of his kiddy scrips and wash out the trolls, and in Lisa’s beedy little black holes, everyone is a troll!!!

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    1. I’m blocked from Leo and Padre’s shit, probably because I followed Leo LaPorte Sucks on Twitter. Sorry for wanting the truth and get a good laugh at the same time.

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      1. Haha, this was probably a result of Padre’s genious “troll fighting” algorithm he put together. I’m pretty sure anybody who followed Leo LaPorte Sucks was blocked.

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  17. I will say I like listening to Leo…EXCEPT, pleasssseeee stop shoving your political views on us Leo, or just parroting whomever you have on who goes off on a political rant.
    We get it, like almost all tech you support left leaning ideas. However, not only is this NOT the place for such discussion, like so many other tech sites you frequently, as do your guests get the facts wrong.

    Here is one undeniable truth that in your latest podcast your guests and you got wrong. Not only is FoxNews the number 1 cable news network. It has been for over 3 and one half years, plus it also has 40% of the coveted 25-50 demographic.

    So, while I would love for you to just stay away from politics at least try to get the facts right.

    Perhaps, and I am now stating my opinion, perhaps that is just one of a number of reasons you are not getting as many calls.

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