59 thoughts on “Leo Laporte says “They all look alike””

    1. How is saying rapers sport the same look (all look alike) in any way racist? You are a fucking moron.


      But, rappers, idunno, and dont care much.

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    1. Joe,

      When white people say/think all young black men look alike they do not mean to be offensive but it is a testament to how the person thinks. You should google “all black people look alike.”

      The Wire had a great episode about it once. How victims of crimes don’t even know what the perpetrater looked like, they just say “a big black guy” whereas if it’s a white assailant they describe the person in detail.

      Leo does not hate black people at all but google what that phrase means psychologically.

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      1. Another Leo apologist…I used to listen to Leo regularly but this guy has some real problems. I don’t don’t need or want anymore
        of these mentally unstable psychopaths in my life. Screw Leo and his “Network”. Never going back and never visiting his websites or his sponsors ever again. Remember just visiting his sites generates revenue. Downloading his content is the worst thing you can do. I love “TotalDrama.net” and how they continue to expose this guy for the fraud he his.

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  1. Curious if this may have been a contributing factor in Lamarr leaving, along with his TWiYT show, the TWiT network. This is something we all saw live on-air, but am curious if there were other, behind the scene, incidents that Lamarr experienced that cause him to leave so quickly and abruptly.

    If Leo is like this on-air, I can only imagine what he gets away within in casual conversation in his private time.

    One incident that I vividly recall during the pre-show before an iPad Today episode with Sarah was Leo doing some impromptu rapping where he, very clearly and loudly (almost proudly) used the n-word. Sarah’s face displayed TOTAL shock. Then Leo totally tried to justify using the word, saying it was in the context of the song he was singing…..like he was really trying to sing, he basically just said the offending word. I’m surprised I’ve never been able to find any video of the incident as it was quite shocking when it happened (some time in 2012, I believe).

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      1. The time line is interesting. Leo once seemed like a well-meaning idiot uncle. Then there’s the brick house, Lisa, a divorce, a Ford Mustang, and a seemingly endless revolving door of prominent TWIT staff and contributors dropping off of the TWIT scene under various circumstances.

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      2. Leo/TWiT’s slide really started in 2010 when he started ceding control to Lisa: forcing out Dan, firing Eric, and deciding the next logical step for TWiT was to build a seven figure TV studio.

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        1. the studio made sense but was too expensive. it made sense for doing video when he had tom , sarah and others to fill the studio . now he has a bunch of yes men and morons . otherwise its mostly skyped in shit . when its people live in studio other than demoing a gadget its barely needed at all like leo has said at times its just talking heads. oh i wonder why he was saying to tom to move into video. who cares and why should he? other than doing it like gizwiz style its not necessarily needed. it could benefit them but why waste the money and time on it. leo prob wants tom to do video cause of the cost of doing it could hurt him and leo can say oh im not the only on live being a dumbass. when he fired eric i got why he did it . it made sense busniesswise , he was airing dirty laundry on live air some may see that as unprofessional but the way they bashed him afterwards was just disgusting. especially from lisa. constantly was saying he should get a real job ,ect wtf is that? you led him on and then when leo got jealous he made excuses to can him and talked shit about him afterwards.

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          1. Everything Leo and Lisa have said and done regarding Erik after they parted ways has been completely low class. Why does Leo routinely play out these toxic napalm dissociations? It’s simple arrogance.

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        2. He forced out Dane (becasue he was fucking up the finances big time), not any Dan.

          And Eric wasnt fired untill AFTER the TWiT studio was built.

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        1. yeah true but it depends on the context. in leo’s case it was wrong and stupid. that dirty word should not be used like leo said it ever. That word isn’t something a white old guy should be saying period.

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    1. You’re forgetting that during a discussion, and while a black guest was sitting to his left, Leo said, “people who talk about states’ rights are really talking about the nigras.”

      Are you fucking KIDDING ME?

      Now, I know he was attempting to mock the South and racists, but it was very insensitive, stupid, dumb, unthinking, dipshit thing to say.

      And this man is a lifelong broadcaster!

      I think Leo is losing his marbles. I think he’s going senile.

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  2. TD is really dropping fast. TD went from an informative look at the actions of leo and twit to a desperate reach for stories and material trying to grasp at anything. Such a shame.

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  3. Stevied wrote: “Obama says the n-word on the WTF podcast. TD doesn’t complain.”

    Excellent point. I was surprised and happy to hear Obama use the word “nigger” (instead of the n word) in a discussion. Saying “the ‘N’ word” is a ridiculous euphemism. There are a few regular chatters in TD who use the word “nigger” or “nigga” and when they use it they are actually using it to insult Blacks in a highly prejudiced and vulgar way, not as part of a discussion about race relations etc. And when they have used the word that way, no one in TD IRC has criticized them.

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    1. cant say for sure but they did delete a nasty racist post the other day when i spoke up about it . in irc they shouldnt be saying that either. in fact i think it was helloworld that said in chat that anything goes except racists posts or extremely offensive things. they shouldn’t allow it in chat either.

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    2. A lot of people are taking President Obama’s statement out of context. If you listen to the actual interview, he said that just because people won’t use the word nigger in polite company doesn’t mean we no longer have a race problem in our country.

      He was stating a fact: we still have a problem with racists, despite having a black president. He wasn’t calling black people niggers, he was trying to have an intelligent discussion about the racial issues we face in this country.

      I thought it was honest and dead-on accurate.

      I wonder how much hate mail he gets every day that contains that word? I’ll bet it’s a ton: they don’t know how to argue against his policy decisions, so they just resort to ad hominem attacks.

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  4. The desperate comments on this blog are painful … he says, “Is this Zane?” – Zane is the Apple/Beats radio star DJ, and yes, like Drake, he looks like a generic young guy involved with the music industry – yes he just looks like another pop music drone.

    On top of that how many, nearly 60 year olds know who the heck Drake is? Most middle aged people wouldn’t know Drake if they tripped over him in the street? In fact if they did trip over Drake and he said “Hi, my name’s Zane Lowe!” they still wouldn’t know who the hell he is.

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  5. I posted a protest about this on @Leolaporte twitter feed the min. it happened during WWDC broadcast ,
    I couldn’t believe he said that,
    TD do you have a “Tips” link of email? if this shit happens again?

    Not the first time he’s dissed “African Americans” live on his shows, I heard something one Twit Sunday when he had Marcus on, there was as brief uncomfortable pause and everyone moved on, yet never seen Marcus back on Twit.

    Not sure if anyone’s noticed that after #penisgate Leo has been more arrogant and cocky

    He thinks he’s invincible , that’s good because assholes like him destroy themselves in the end

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    1. Hey there, OhNoYetAnotherTroll

      TotalDrama does indeed have a “Tips” function, just look up at the top right of the site under “FEEDBACK/TIPS.” You can leave us a message at that link. Thank you for reading and participating!

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  6. He made a similar comment years ago on The Screen Savers when he got Chris Rock and Chris Tucker confused. I mentioned it in their forums and got accused of being a whining liberal by his drones.

    All these years and not much has changed.

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    1. Right, it appears he was suggesting all acts look alike, not all black people.

      But shouldn’t someone of Leo’s experience know better than to say that?

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      1. Nope, he doesnt have to worry about that, and neither should anyone else all PC whining about it either, bunch of fucking babies – yawl look like a fucking bunch of babies – therefore all alike, bitches!

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  7. I can’t believe I was fooled by this guys true character for so long. He insults his guests constantly with a laugh afterwords as though that makes it ok. A recent twit he made a sly comment about the paper one of the guest works for. So unprofessional. Not the first time I’ve heard a off color comment either.

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    1. Why is number 9 about chicken? Always about chicken.

      8 talk to god, always about the god

      OOOOH, the mosaic butt, I see now.

      Dont care. There isnt RAW footage out there to make fun of, so not the same thing.

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