The adorable Chad Johnson still needs our help

There comes a time in a boy’s life when he must decide whether to graduate to becoming a man, or remain trapped in the past. The editorial board at TotalDrama has convened to discuss the matter of Chad “OMG” Johnson, finding himself in the adorable position of being halfway between man and boy.

The only thing Chad should do is just return to his natural hair color.
The only thing Chad should do is just return to his natural hair color.

But it remains unclear whether Chad has been able to move on from his tenure at TWiT. After getting so brutally and heartlessly maligned and abandoned by the soulless duo of Leo ‘n’ Lisa, TWiT watchers were aghast that Chad didn’t just pack up and leave Petaluma.

So it is in the spirit of generosity and friendship that a secret team operating inside TotalDrama HQ has voted to pimp Chad’s Patreon account one more time to give the little cutie a fighting chance at happiness.

10 thoughts on “The adorable Chad Johnson still needs our help”

  1. Contribute to “…a guy who makes stuff on the internet” whose next project is “Whatever comes next”?? No thanks.

    I know they did him wrong at TWiT, but I’d be pretty embarrassed to be asking for charity like that. Grow up, dude, and if you can’t afford to live in California (where “I can pay my rent” is actually one of your milestone goals)…move somewhere you can afford and start knocking on some doors, virtual and otherwise.

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    1. I second Pibb’s comment. This Patreon ask by Chad looks more like a try for online Welfare entitlement payments rather than a genuine attempt at creating something worthwhile.

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  2. Sorry, have to agree with Pibb. This isn’t a charity case, it’s just a case of a guy who wants to do ‘internet’ stuff (but doesn’t know what that is) and is asking for handouts so he can live the dream. This would be like all the L.A. actors asking for handouts until they make it big vs. getting a food services job like thousands of them do. My advice is for Chad to update the resume and get out there and find a paying gig and do the fun stuff on the side until he figure out if he can live off it. I give to charity – this isn’t one.

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  3. What’s truly embarrassing here is that OMGChad, who is doing nothing more than asking for people to pay him to subsidize his living expenses, has contributions double (nearly $1200) than the per episode commitments to What The Tech (nearly $600) which is an actual show with real expenses and is actually providing contributors with something in return.

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  4. Patreon is just Hipster Welfare.

    Maybe if he had an actual product it would be worth it, but he’s getting on the special snowflake give me monies for “internets stuff xd” train so stuff that.

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  5. I just want to tear Chad’s jeans off.

    Run my lips and mouth up his legs, pleasuring him hard.

    Suck his cock all wet and hard and make him CUM in pleasure.

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