Fuck these vocal fry bitches

All the women who come on the TWiT network with their bullshit vocal fry Valley Girl voices can go fuck themselves.

Serenity Caldwell refuses to use a fake voice—and we applaud her for it.
Serenity Caldwell refuses to use a fake voice—and we applaud her for it.

The only bright light in this desert of ridiculous cunts with their fake-ass high school voices is the stunning beauty Serenity Caldwell. Her appearance on this week’s “MacBreak Weekly” was so refreshing because she used her real voice. No affectation. She was brilliant.

Complete list and video to come.

20 thoughts on “Fuck these vocal fry bitches”

  1. “You have beautiful skin in person.”
    -Sonoma County’s Fattest Perv

    It took about twelve seconds for him to come on to her. But imagine what Lisa’s skin is like in person, even on camera she has shit for skin.

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    1. Wow. You are a stupid vapid cunt! You are a great example of what’s wrong with society. Ignorant, shallow, and self absorbed. People like you fall apart at the first sign of ageing.

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  2. They should make it a capital crime to speak with that awful vocal fry. Send them to the electric chair see how the feel when they fry because of vocal fry.

    I cringe at the vile sound these girls make.

    Ms Caldwell should get an award for not doing it. Hope she doesn’t do the Tonya Hall girly Google flirt either!

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    1. You might have to bare them, strip them like you would HelloWorld’s children! LOL

      Try waiting until they open their mouths and spraying WD40 down their gullets. That’ll kill the creaking noise!

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  3. Not familiar with ‘vocal fry’. Will have to look that one up. This entire TWiT network is much different from the world of work that I was doing. I received full benefits & pensions. Don’t think that complimenting a person on nice skin is pervert material. However, would had word it as, you have very nice skin tone or coloring. It’s like when folks admired sun tans. We know that too much rays aren’t good but a few sun whorshipers exist.

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    1. Watch the Colorado PD interview Nichole Kessinger (Mistress of Chris Watts, the monster who slaughtered his pregnant wife and two little girls) on YouTube for a prime example.

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  4. HelloWorld: When we track down who you are (and we will), we’re going hunt down every female in your life — your mother, your sisters, etc. — and we’re going to show them what you say about women.

    We’re also going to give Leo all the content you’ve posted on this site, so he can sue you for libel.

    The end is near, creep.

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    1. First of all, since you’re new, I’m an attorney, and as a legal concept our comments are not libelous. As i’ve already told that bitch cunt molly, it’s called the First Amendment. Following your example,Obama or any government official could sue for comments he didn’t like. Protected speech.

      Don’t play lawyer with me, douchebag.

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  5. I blame the Kardashian/Jenner bimbos for popularizing that “vocal fry”. I don’t understand why mostly white women in the western world are talking like that? And no, women don’t “always sound like that”. Just in case of some idiot teenager trying to refute me on that.

    Why can’t they use their real voices instead of sounding like some porn star sucking off some sleazeball on set?

    The worst part is that almost every millennial female is talking like that. Do they really think they think they’re hot sounding like that? It’s 2018 and they still talk like that. Make it stop.

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  6. If you’ve been paying attention (and not just repeating the complaint) it’s not strictly young women who have been doing this for years. It’s young men, too. (And it’s every bit as annoying.)

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