You’ve got to be fucking kidding me with this shit

Rachel Metz has got to be putting us on, right?

How is this a serious show?
How is this a serious show?

UPDATE: It seems that quite a large a number of idiots read this blog who don’t grasp what the point of many of these posts are. So pay attention. And if you need to…read…this..slowly…

Rachel is wearing gigantic, white hipster glasses. Rachel wears these gigantic, white hipster glasses so we pay attention to her face. We look at her face and see those gigantic, white hipster glasses. We also see other things. These “other things” make our brains go, “What the fuck? You’ve got to be kidding me with this shit.” And boom! The blog post practically writes itself. If Rachel didn’t want us looking at her face, she wouldn’t wear those gigantic, white hipster glasses. Get it?

22 thoughts on “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me with this shit”

  1. Hahahaha I’m a stupid faggot who only cares about looks and is still butthurt over Tom leaving.

    I mean why else would I make these posts instead of directing people to Tom’s podcast.

    Because I wouldn’t last one second on Tom’s podcast, this site is my image; and I control every bit of it.

    Bow Down to HelloWorld foolish mortals!

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    1. Rachel is wearing gigantic, white hipster glasses. Rachel wears these gigantic, white hipster glasses so we pay attention to her face. We look at her face and see those gigantic, white hipster glasses. We also see other things. These “other things” make our brains go, “What the fuck? You’ve got to be kidding me with this shit.” And boom! The blog post practically writes itself. If Rachel didn’t want us looking at her face, she wouldn’t wear those gigantic, white hipster glasses. Get it?

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  2. I disagree with stories criticising how someone looks (and said so on the recent story about Megan). I have to say though those glasses don’t suit her at all. I’m sure she could have found a few hundred pairs that would have suited her much better.

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  3. Just wrote a huge monologue & content didn’t get posted. Why comment on broadcasters appearance? Probably none of us posting look any different from the TWiT staff. Focus on content. Leo Laporte can be rude & has said inappropriate things to people. Needs to be a site like this to present these mishaps. For example, he rarely discusses the subject that he mentions in previous week on TTG. One of the worse thing that he does is interrupt people when they are talking. None of us are perfect. I read the content & form my own conclusions. There is some valid content on this site. A troubling attitude is how he approached Erik Lanigan’s death. That really frustrated me!!! I who only communicated with Erik via email & on Talk Back Live. Didn’t know him as well as a few of the present TWiT staff. I mourned & cried when I found out. Don’t know how this young man died! Some people were blaming Leo Laporte. Well we know that is inaccurate!!! Erik may be vulnerable & needed support & guidance to get thru a job firing. Erik Lanigan made professional mistakes too. He was intelligent & I would search to se what he was up to. Puzzling that I couldn’t find anything. At one time he was podcasting with Ewen Rankin & then no more tweeting etc. There are other complaints too. Want to see more content on this site. Don’t focus on the TWiT staff’s appearance. Get a adequate storm drain plus take a selfie!!!

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  4. No matter what, people will continue to comment on appearance. Truthfully, I will laugh. Put yourself in their place. Would you be able to tolerate the negative comments. Just because these people are on TWiT doesn’t qualify for a catwalk commentary. I am retired. Listen to TWiT & occasionally subject myself to looking at these people based on this site’s post. You guys are funny!!! If I was on TWiT, you guys would say, ‘ it is eye piercing to look at that monstrous turd. So then audio versions would become very valuable. Do we really need to look at these journalist. The show ‘Know How ‘ may require viewing. It generally takes a task demonstration or product review for me to watch TWiT.

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