Only a little Nudge

This morning Leo graced all twitlive fans, or as he called them, his ‘circle’ with a personal appearance in IRC. Following are a few snippets. Hopefully more fun will ensue.

On why Chad was fired:chad5Translation:  I fired him. Maybe he’ll land on his feet

On how much we will see Chad in the future. Lots according to Leo.
chad1Translation: You’ll see Chad until he finds a real job and moves. 

On why didn’t you keep him until he was on his feet.
chad4Translation: He was a security risk. So we wanted him out of the studio.

On why are all the young talent being fired or put on hiatus or whatever reason is being given.
chad3Translation: Young people have friends and are leakers. We can’t trust them.

On TWiT’s pivot to an older audience.
chad2Translation: Old people we rescue from retirement homes are cheap, they have a second income. And they can’t get a job anywhere else.

Desperately seeking new employees
Desperately seeking new employees

Feel free to add your own dialogue.  What he said, what he meant.

23 thoughts on “Only a little Nudge”

  1. Perfect Analysis except for the second point.

    On how much we will see Chad in the future. Lots according to Leo.

    The translation would be;

    “We need to look like we are not heartless and we know that by giving him a pitiful income it will drive him away! Hopefully he will move before we have to cancel the GizWiz to finally get rid of him but either will cancel that show and blame it on Chad!”

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  2. Didn’t Lisa KuntZmell say the same thing about Erik Lanigan, push him to getting another job, before they ultimately got annoyed with him hanging around? They eventually ruined the guy’s rep for thinking he had any part of being on TWaT.

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    1. Yes, the dismissal of Chad is a fucking exact carbon copy of what they did to Erik. It’s pretty sad that Soup and Slurp’s MO is getting this predictable.

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    1. Erik Lanigan was soo good. I wish he would come back. It was so awkward to see him on all the competing networks, then new years hit and he went MIA. Never to be heard from again.

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  3. I’m trying to think of the other good talent we lost.
    I don’t think any of the people we’ve lost — Eric, Elaine, Tom, Brian, Justin, etc. — are talented.

    So, if this is true, that the aforementioned folks have no talent, what does that say about the Bottomless #SoupBowl who hired them in the first place?

    These twits are beyond the pale.

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    1. Just noticed that my comment above lost the “Leo” and “Translation” tags. Should have looked like this:

      LEO: I’m trying to think of the other good talent we lost.
      TRANSLATION: I don’t think any of the people we’ve lost — Eric, Elaine, Tom, Brian, Justin, etc. — are talented.

      So, if this is true, that the aforementioned folks have no talent, what does that say about the Bottomless #SoupBowl who hired them in the first place?

      These twits are beyond the pale.

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        1. Lisa apparently hit the mother lode a couple of years ago with an iPhone camera app. I remember when Leo snarkily said, “She doesn’t need us anymore…she’s a millionaire now.”

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  4. It’s apparent to me, based on how much Apple gets air play on all the shows on TWiT, Lisa and Leo wants to get rid of all shows that are NOT Apple related. I watched the last two episodes of This Week In Tech (can’t bare to watch anything else, especially with Mike the bore Elgan on it), and both of were dominated with Apple news, Apple comparisons, etc. Nothing against Apple, although I am an Android / PC guy. But they should be more balanced and report on “Tech” news, like they used to do, all formats and devices or just be honest with the audience and just say it, we’re all about Apple news here. Maybe the reason they report so much about Apple is because the sponsorship for Apple related shows is bigger and easier to sell. If that’s true, then Leo lied once again, he always said he would never be dictated to by sponsors or sponsorship. So, if they get rid of all the shows that are not Apple related and keep the same sponsors and or ad revenue, it will be more profitable. That is the only thing Lisa cares about, making more money now, not what can TWiT do in the log run.

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