This is the Total Drama series Man of God, in which we chronicle the exploits of one Father Robert Ballecer, aka Grimace in a Priest Costume, aka The Digital Jesuit, aka <PadreSJ>
, aka FMCP, aka <MentalHealthSJ>
. Please use our dvr and send in tips with examples of his very Christlike behavior.
In the Know How pre-record above — the episode has not been posted for download as of the date of this posting — Father Robert Ballecer puts away a Synology router he just finished fawning over, lamenting the fact that he can’t do giveaways on the show, even though Synology would allow it, because Leo and Lisa Laporte do not allow him to do so. Robert says specifically that he cannot keep the router because it’s a conflict of interest, so he must send it back or give it away.
Not one hour later, he does nearly an entire episode devoted to a “review” you can see part of in the clip above. After the review is over, he states that he’s keeping the laptop. Notice that Father Robert always uses Acer computers and is a bought and paid for Acer shill.
It seems odd to see a priest with no moral compass, but we guess that explains why he works at TWiT.