Tag Archives: disgusted

Mike Elgan takes credit for the hard work of Tom Merritt

This cake was not earned by the current wreck of a staff at TNT. The glory belongs to Tom Merritt.
This cake was not earned by the current wreck of a staff at TNT. The glory belongs to Tom Merritt and the previous generation of TNT hosts for the 1200th show.

Mike Elgan trumpeted the 1200th “Tech News Today” show like he had anything to do with its success.

Not a word was spoken about the legendary groundwork laid by host Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane and Iyaz Akhtar.

Which leaves us only with the fact that Elgum is a shameless douche. And this sad cake is just an example of the empty-chair, empty-head attitude that reigns at the “new” TNT. So we at TotalDrama hope you choke on your cake, Gum. You didn’t earn it.