Tag Archives: brackground

Lisa Laporte Explains Business In Under 9 Minutes

Expert business leader, Lisa Kentzell Laporte.
Expert business leader, Lisa Kentzell Laporte.

When we heard the BeanCast — whatever the fuck that is — was having Lisa Kentzell Laporte on their show to discuss agency gender bias, we became supremely excited!

What could legendary business leader Lisa have in store?

What could we learn from her?

We knew that if Lisa was capable of tricking another podcast into believing she has an actual agency representing actual podcast networks, she is pretty much capable of anything. The podcast itself is a bit over an hour, but it’s there if you want to hear it.

Here are Lisa’s insights alone with no interruptions (8 min 37 sec). Listen — if you dare — to her dulcet tones explaining business principles, adversities she’s overcome, and definitely not sleeping her way to the top.

Hilton A. Goring could not be reached for comment.
Hilton A. Goring could not be reached for comment.

The credits list her as “Lisa Laporte, CEO, Twit.tv and Artisanal Agency”. You know, Lisa Laporte, the one with the Twitter account set to protected who runs the Art Is Anal LLC Twitter which is also protected.

That Lisa Kentzell Laporte, business expert extraordinaire.