Ask yourself this one question…

Leo Laporte: I provide no value in life anymore.
Leo Laporte: I provide no value in life anymore.

…When was the last time you learned something new on any TWiT show? We’ll give you time to answer in the comments section. (We thank you for your answers, but we at the editorial board at #TotalDrama are quite confident that the answer will be a universal “nothing.”) There is no possible way that any one of our readers has learned anything new in the past year from TWiT.

21 thoughts on “Ask yourself this one question…”

  1. The question might better be phrased, when was the last time you learned anything from Leo on twit?

    I am sure the other hosts “might” teach something, but they are so god awful to listen to. Leo basically lost his edge because he just regurgitates all the garbage he learned back in 1998.

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    1. I listen to his stupid radio show during the winter because I work less, while I read real content. Leo hasn’t answered a question that wasn’t gotten from Google or the chat room in 10 years.

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  2. I learned that old people use macs and some even gloat about it on the radio because their actually too lazy to understand how an operating system works… which is ok… IF YOUR NOT SUPPOSED TO BE GIVING OUT TECHNICAL ADVICE ON A SYNDICATED RADIO STATION

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  3. Soup has just 3 critics. All named Morten or Mortenson
    A former cohost decided to avoid the “toxic mess”
    Many people in the house don’t dig the digger
    Soup reads TD. Negative attention counts! FEED ME!
    Unaffordable rent claims = face-saving exit strategy
    Not only magicians tie knots & have it appear otherwise
    Google Trends reveals all about where Soup’s heading!

    Charity events give excellent cover for evil actions
    A botox user’s been fishing for an exit (drama alert!)
    Total Drama’s admins will soon admit they secretly love

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  4. See…
    I got invited to the drama irc by a long time friend in twit irc. He was fed up of seeing people get kicked and all the crap that, that irc did NOT used to be. Now I like the IRC here, it’s fun. We have fun.
    That’s the over all point isn’t it Ladies? To have FUN
    ( U Smart ass John!)
    So how about a so called New Years Resolution.
    No more uber Nastyness! Keep it clean and dirty!
    Rated X with the real nasty crap bleeped. I am not advocating censorship in the least, me of all people hate it. But…
    Lets take a look at why we are all here. We are TWIT fans, or at some point were* fans. We don’t like the direction it has gone.(Believe me I am the first to say that one!)
    I have goals, we all do…So lets make our goal for 2015 to have fun and be creative and more positive about what we think should be done. Maybe then sir Teacher will realize maybe our definition here isn’t trolls, isn’t jilted lover or some other crap.
    (You guys have said far worse and really bad)
    Maybe our definition here is
    The smart ass kids in the back of class that come in late and have their own talk area to express grievances along with ideas and thoughts.
    So what if someone throws a paper airplane in class once in a while.
    Let the Hall mods deal with that, they love it.
    Its fun to be creative and positive yet a smart ass!
    (It sounds better when you are right and can say FUCK YOU!)
    I watch South Park everyday!
    I will start… Game on Fired, NSFW gone… 🙁
    TWITCH sold for 1 Billion $$$$$$$
    If the Teacher wasn’t so anti gaming and streaming & helping other channels he’d be rolling in it. FACT
    I mean come on a Travel show? WTF is next, how to groom 9 friggin cats dressed in Sequined shirts? (Die Hard 1)
    On that note I am fuckin OUT!

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  5. Hellz ya! I just like to cuss. Maybe a bit too much. OK. I like to cuss a lot and I think it’s hilarious that TWiT is basically just fugly fatties. Hasn’t it dawned on Leo yet that one of the reasons Kevin Rose has hit the big time jackpot of all jackpots is because he is young, “fairly” likable and not a freaky mess?

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  6. Hey Watch your Hello world Mouth! Ya never know, you could be influencing some under age driver from so cal to steal a car and come see you… In my case I’d probably give him a job and try to get him laid.. But hey… That’s Me!
    (emphasize TRY and get him laid!)
    /me puts the beer down at 2:51 pst time!

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