As The TWiT Churns #1

In today’s Inside Twit there was a minor dust up between owner, chief Poobah, and good friend of Kevin Spacey, Leo Laporte (briefly known as Ebola Pork on Twitter) and CEHO CEO Lisa Kentzell.

Seems M. Laporte knows nothing about how advertising works. Or who runs bartertown.

Herewith is a clip, unedited, save for trimming off the front and back and adding a sexy bumper.

There were many other choice bits, hopefully to go into a more creative video than this.

In late breaking news we are presenting the entire Inside TWiT. There may be bits of it that are interesting to some.

69 thoughts on “As The TWiT Churns #1”

    1. Wonder if prenup is set for this round LOL. I hate to poke fun, but when you run a tech show and incorporate peoples life’s at point blank range, what do you expect. TWiT is like a “reality TV show” at times.

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  1. Does Chad leaving also affect the editing here too?

    The posted video has 10 minutes of a black screen.

    Thank You though. This is one thing I like about Leo, no filter.

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  2. This clip actually shows Leo behaving in the way that once made him admirable — it’s his network, and he’ll tell it like it is regardless of what his “advisors” are insisting he say or not say.

    For a brief moment, #Soup was in charge again.

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    1. You’re absolutely correct. For a second I felt really bad for him and how whipped he’s gonna be once they get back home. I also liked him there for a second. This succubus has her claws so deep in #soup. So sad!

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    2. I agree, looks like Leo just may be seeing what we are seeing. Ever noticed how fakey looks when he talks about how great Mike is doing running things? I don’t believe it for a second. Tom M. was the best for TWit, I see now why Tom is glad he is no longer having to deal with Lisa’s BS.

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  3. Also, it’s not Leo that doesn’t understand. Lisa is failing to understand that the worst you treat the audience the less loyal they are. Lisa seems like she rather “””””””run the network””””””””” without those pesky audience members grown on openness by a different Leo that the one that married her.

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  4. Thanks, I’m an editor like Lisa is a CEO, incompetent. But i have now trimmed it like it should be.

    I will upload the entire unedited inside shit twit later tonight. incase anyone has the patience to watch.

    I may insert some random ads for mattresses or barking boxes. But I understand now that barf box has caused poor Ozzie to loose his teeth and the onset of doggie diarrhea. So I pulled that ad. Maybe an Amazon affiliate link?

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    1. Honestly Thank You for all you, and the others contribute to the site. This site, has become like a soap opera for me. It can’t be easy to go through all that video, decide what to edit, how to render it, post it, and start all over again. Everyday. Currently your turn around time is better than the people who actually get paid at TWIT Or Revision 3.

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    2. Did you also attend University of Phoenix? Were you there the same time as Kuntsmell?

      Oh wait, University of Phoenix is a correspondence school. Haha. She is so learned.

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    1. Nope, she doesnt disagree with that, try to follow along. She disagrees on how the the show can be marketed without the need to know what Steve is going to discuss. Leo think that it necessary we know ahead of time – I dont agree with Leo on this. Security on the internet and with connected devices is here with us for a long time, and will always grow larger as a concern for even the most casual and careless user of such technology.

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  5. Wow, she is a Kunt. What is sad is that it was her stupid idea to move to that big place. IT is failing hard and she is trying to trim the fat to get back into a smaller production. She hugely failed. It is why you don’t marry your boss. Now you can’t fire them. She is gunna whip him so hard now that he is married to her.

    Unless Leo enjoys being treated like an infant, I don’t see him being around with her for long. Sadly, I also think he is stuck because she basically owns his ass.

    Oh my, what mess he got himself into. I feel sad for him. Twit was about community focussed niche shows. Leo started and executed it perfectly. He had an innate understanding about what geeks wanted. He had a loyal audiences. The shows he did had devoted fans. The small shows are what keep the fans around for the big shows too! She doesn’t get it. She came along and tried to turn it into the Lifetime Network. So sad.

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    1. When I see her interact with him, I feel sorry for him. He is in deep with her, financially and otherwise. Also why would you invest millions in a building you don’t own or plan to own. I never understood the logic behind that. It’s Petaluma, not New York City or San Fransico where property prices are astronomical, something could have been built for TWIT, and made payments on, like the Audi he is driving on a Lease.

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      1. if you look at her body language (twitching), she is really unsure, bothered and annoyed at the situation. I have a feeling she is struggling hard to not make herself look like a failure. She is incredibly defensive. People only get like that when they are trying to save face.

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        1. The look on her face when someone asked about why iPad Today had no advertising. Though if you look at the shows they are cramming more and more advertising in to some of the shows desperately trying to offset it.

          This in itself may be a blip but there are too many of these blips these days and it doesn’t help that Elgum is trying to get people to subscribe on multiple platforms which inflates the viewer counts.

          It also doesn’t help that Kuntsell has been cutting out the ‘advertising middle man’ and going to companies themselves and trying to get to do direct to TWiT. Another factor is that there are more outlets for them advertise on.

          Look at Harry’s, Revision 3 advertise it and so to others and they are cheaper to advertise with. There are also people that would normally support TWiT and use their codes even though the actual discounts are bullshit.

          When I started using Audible rather than reading eBooks I could have used the TWiT code, instead I found that I got the same deal from Audible whether I used the reference or not. I chose not to.

          Similarly when I shop on Amazon I don’t use the link from the TWiT website so that they get a referrer kickback I use the link from Bill Burr’s website and let him have the kickback, not that I want Bill Burr to have it but I want to make sure that Amazon pay someone and that it is not TWiT that gets paid.

          Getting back to the Advertising though, it is the fault of Laporte. When yo ask a premium people soon stop spending they advertising dollars with you and go elsewhere. If they can get the advertising going out through three or four different outlets rather than one and spend the same amount, what would you do? There’s only a finite number of viewers interested in shows like “This Week in Trolling” or “The Tech Git” etc and at some point the advertisers have to look for fresh sources of new viewers that will buy because of podcast advert.

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  6. So the wicked witch thinks the question about the lack of adverts on iPad Now isn’t pertinent. Might have been true except for the fact you’re doing a show called Inside TWiT and you’re allowing the audience to ask questions about the inner workings. Than she double fails by being surly and refusing to point out how Leo the Lard was wrong. Galling arrogance.

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  7. Went to the “all shows” page at twit,apperntly they have deleated the “Inside TWIT” content.
    Guess who ordered that to happen….
    Hope you guys captured that last episode before the take down..

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    1. I was looking for it and at first thought they didn’t record them and put them up but then I remembered the last one they had I watched the recording and not live and they were all there two weeks ago.

      What a bitch move!

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  8. “Wow, she is a Kunt. What is sad is that it was her stupid idea to move to that big place. IT is failing hard and she is trying to trim the fat to get back into a smaller production. She hugely failed. It is why you don’t marry your boss. Now you can’t fire them. She is gonna whip him so hard now that he is married to her.” They actually got married?lol

    After Twit slides she will be his X soon.
    Then he can just move the whole operation to his new “mansion”!

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  9. Does any one else think that iPad Today is a shitty show anyways? Leo waddles in, plops his fat ass on the seat and pokes his fat sausage fingers on his iPad trying to show off apps that he has barely used. Sarah tries to make the show good, but the show still falls flat every time. Why the fuck would anyone advertise on that shit show.

    Soup can be a happy go lucky kind of guy at times, but man has this fucking Kunt whipped his ass. He’s probably sleeping on the couch today with a giant butt plug.

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  10. Either that was all an act, I can’t think of any sane human being who would have a row with their partner during a live broadcast for all the world to see.

    Alternatively it was real in which case I may as well mention that I think Leo and Lisa are an odd couple.

    Firstly Leo is far more intelligent than Lisa, and secondly he’s much more of a people person. I don’t know what he sees in her, he could have done far better. He’s the on air talent the whole enterprise revolves around and she’s basically insulting him on air.

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  11. “Sarah tries to make the show good, but the show still falls flat every time. Why the fuck would anyone advertise on that shit show.”

    Agree, but I also think they don’t need most of the shows .
    It’s all become so redundant to me .
    TWIT – MBW-TWIG-WW,they rest are just mostly rehashing all the other show’s.

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  12. @Anon,
    “Either that was all an act, I can’t think of any sane human being who would have a row with their partner during a live broadcast for all the world to see.”
    I’m sure that’s why the “episode” was taken off TWIT shows,and you tube…
    Trust me that’s the real deal too.

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  13. Funny how little she understands the old ideas behind TWIT, and how little she understands about PR and diplomacy. Whatever the real reason for the lack of ads is, Leo gave a perfect that makes TWIT look like a friendly and transparent network: it’s a good show, sometimes shows don’t have ads for a while, but that doesn’t mean much. Leaving that answer would have been satisfactory for everyone, regardless of what they are planning in the background.

    Her response makes it look like they are trying to cover up something, especially when she tries to end the recording, that Leo is a little child who knows nothing and there is obviously a dispute between them. She also makes it looks like there are questions about Sarah and Steve in the network. Whatever her CEO skills are, she completely fails in PR…

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      1. She has a busoness degree from University of Phoenix, an online university that accepts anyone with a high school diploma.

        So yeah, she has no business skills. LOL.

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  14. To me the best part of this is that they are moving AAA to the Inside Twit slot and did not mention a thing about when they might do Inside Twit from now on. Oh well, Lisa is queen of her castle.

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  15. You know, calling Lisa the CEHo and making jokes about what a witch she is was, for me, an easy source for writing comedy and learning to blog quickly and how to edit video snippets.
    But Ski’s excellent post here has revealed a true break in the tradition of TWiT. The network really has been taken over by a psychotic bitch with no talent for running an operation of this size. She really IS a cunt worthy of scorn. GIVE US BACK OUR LEO, YOU FUCKING BITCH.
    Imagine, having an “Inside TWiT” episode where you announce the firing of a beloved, longtime employee and brush it off like some dirt on your shoulder. Chad deserves better, we deserve better and the current staffers deserve better.
    Thank God for #TotalDrama!

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    1. For a few moments there, we really did have back our old Leo. When he says, “I think I pissed her off,” then laughed, he was being his old, honest self.

      I miss the days when Leo was Leo, a tech nerd who was seemingly a happily married man, a proud father, and a down-to-earth guy who spent his days in a rented cottage that he used as a makeshift studio.

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  16. She is such a condescending bitch! I love how she called Leo a liar, and Leo called her to the carpet. She obviously needs to be put in her place, CEO or not, Leo is the boss. Her only “strength” is the fact she’s blowing him. If she wasn’t, she would be gone, pure and simple.

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  17. I watched this live. I agree – there was the old Leo – joking, carefree, telling it like it is. Before Kuntsmell showed up, the shows were for geeks by geeks and done for the enjoyment of talking about tech. This witch has driven TWiT into the ground and my concern is it not be able to recover. Really felt sorry for Leo, he was trying to be part of his community and she-hulk let him have it.

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  18. Leo has no balls, basically being humiliated by Jizzma face Kuntsmell. She is not even pretty in the least. Leo ♌ is definitely a creepy fat slob, grabbing seek peaks at Sarah’s panties, making comments, what a pig

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  19. The second he announced he was dating Lisa I knew things would go bad. NEVER mix business with pleasure.

    What Lisa fails to understand is how grass roots TWIT started out as. That’s why all of us were attracted to it in the first place. Probably most, if not all of us, came from the Screensavers days and we wanted that atmosphere back. The TWIT network became successful because we all loved where it started from, from the hosts to the shows to the content. All of it.

    Lisa, on the other hand, is trying to treat this like a major corporation, which it is not and probably will never be, and her business decisions do not line up at all with the foundation to which TWIT was first started.

    The problem Leo has is he can’t separate his private life and his business life anymore. He’s stuck with her and her bad decisions. Anyone else would have been fired by now for how badly the network has gone down hill this past year or so.

    He brought this upon himself, and sadly all of us who really wanted the network to succeed have to sit here and watch it crash and burn, all because he mixed business with pleasure.

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  20. Her sole mission was to turn TWiT independent from Leo. She failed, and failed hard. She’s a failure as a CEO and it’s getting harder and harder to hide that as the network runs to the ground.

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  21. Have a look here, K’s blog etc. rambling and badly written. The rot started earlier in the year, they turned down advertisers !! Now they are reduced to selling mattresses….on a tech show. I’m really sorry to see the way it’s going, i used to watch lots of shows, but now I’m down to two max. Let’s hope they recover and the only way they can, as far as I can see is to get rid of you know who !

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    1. Thanks for the link to her blog,. I see now she’s nothing more than a hack. Blogs should be updated at the least once a month. She hasn’t done anything since May, what a joke. I would love to see all these “Start-Ups” she was CEO, CFO, etc for. Oh, they probably failed. She’s the sword that took down TWiT, I hate to see that, been a longtime listener/watcher. I have been listening to “The Tech Guy” since the day it aired in my region. Watched Leo grow a great forum for us geeks to gravitate to and even bought a brick. Wow, thanks Lisa, great job.

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  22. In any other organization Lisa would be fired as CEO if she was not involved with Leo, everyone can see this. She should be fired. I would love to see her resume.

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  23. My dad said to me:

    “Never eat where you shit”
    “Not all the love or the money”
    “You don’t need a bitch to get off”

    Words to live by, do you agree Leo!

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  24. I would love for someone to ask Leo why it is on Tech guy he insist’s on having lunch on air live.
    I can’t cause I’m banned.
    I mean did his mom fail at basic manners?
    He can’t change his eating habits and eat after or before the show?
    Has he really no clue that it is annoying to most of the viewers.
    I notice [b]nobody else[/b] on TWIT doing that.

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    1. I hate hearing his fat face chew.


      And before you speak, breath or even make a noise in the microphone — make sure no one has any chance of hearing you gulping, licking lips, drooling or anything else associated with eating.

      It’s freaking nasty. he doe sit ALL THE TIME on Windows Weekly.

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      1. @Scott
        “It’s freaking nasty. he doe sit ALL THE TIME on Windows Weekly.’
        and on Security Now! I really feel for Steve! When Leo was cought out last week eating noodles, when Steve finished a thought and ‘paused’ 🙁 very sad really…

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  25. The only innocent in this dramedy is the Kunt’s kid. And, who knows? He may be chip off the ol’ kunniving kunt’s ovary, but my hunch is – not yet.

    Granted I believe divorced parents shouldn’t date/remarry until kids involved attain their majority in order to minimize damage.

    This poor kid is doomed because the kunniving kunt is using him as bait.

    The therapy is gonna cost LePustule a bunch, and possibly his little dog too.

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  26. digesting the past year or so TWiT events has my head spinning. First, Tom leaves and Leo claims he just couldn’t do what Tom was asking. We all assumed it was for $$$, but I think Tom wanted Lisa removed from any involvement that she had in any show or project that had Tom Merritt’s name on it and, of course, that’s why Leo baulked and Tom left . Also, Lisa is a cheep bitch and figured if they lost Tom, the salary saved between Tom and new hire would fund a nice London getaway later in the year. Leo has stated that he “just wants to get up after a show and waddle home”, and I’m sure, at first, that’s what Lisa offered him, but true to form, Leo couldn’t keep his pants zipped and once Lisa started blowing Leo, he was stuck with that cuntzell. Lisa has to make TWiT work, but if it doesn’t, she’ll just move on and Leo will be left with nothing.

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  27. Something amiss here. She was so upset about iPad today not having an ad and one lone person pointing it out that it must be the tip of a bigger iceberg. She was rattled. And could not recover. She had to condemn Leo for being an idiot and walk off. Yoikes!

    I had no idea that Lisa was the “brains” behind the big studio. Where is that documented? I also agree that not owning the building and investing a million dollars into the building in the form of the studio is really dumb. Is this her genius at work?

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