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Leo Laporte Says He Will Never Have an App and Wasted $85,000

Time capsule of the last time Leo learned something new about technology.

Leo Laporte measures things in tens of thousands of dollars. Some examples: $22,000 cruises. $350,000 website.

Previously, he claimed they had spent $60,000 on apps and had nothing to show for it.

Leo now claims they’re $15,000 or $25,000 — because who can be sure about a $10,000 price difference — further in the hole, still with nothing to show for it. The claimed total is now up to $85,000.

Hilton A. Goring could not be reached for comment.

Perhaps CeHO Yoko just needs to allocate her time to it.

Why can third party developers make apps for free, but Leo Laporte and Lisa Laporte can’t even get a product they pay for? Are they that big of a joke and that big of a mark?

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