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Leo Laporte doxxes a member of TotalDrama

Update: Leo is threatening to call people at work and EffenDumb (Jason C. Cleanthes) is now getting in on the harassment. Scroll down for new video and pictures.
Reddit was the scene of a cybercrime today committed by Leo Laporte.

Leo Laporte, in a shocking display of callousness, doxxed a member of the TotalDrama family today during his “Ask Me Anything” on Reddit. Although deleted, the post stayed up long enough for a breach of trust with Leo and his fans to have taken place.

We have redacted the name of our longtime contributor in an effort to contain the damage done by Leo and Father Robert Ballecer who joined in on the doxxing like the bully he is. Click the images below for the full-size versions.

Leo Laporte doxxed our dear friend today in his AMA on Reddit.
Padre also doxxed our friend.

In one final insult, Leo takes to the old trope of insinuating that our friend and TotalDrama contributor (again, name obscured) lives with his mother. Leo is a child.

Update: More harassment from Leo and TWiT staffer Jason C. Cleanthes (EffenDumb).
EffenDumb Twitter Harassment. He TDs as well as he uses Twitter.
Bless his illiterate heart.
Leo posted this in chat during TWiG

He didn’t forget about <>, and he knows this wasn’t the person he doxxed.

[13:57:35] <User5637> <><><><(vaynerchuk) twit><><><>
[13:57:39] <User5637> <><><><(vaynerchuk) twit><><><>
[13:57:42] <&Dan> really?
[13:57:43] <User5637> <><><><(vaynerchuk) twit><><><>
[13:57:44] *** Brad sets mode +b *!*
[13:57:44] *** Brad kicked User5637
[13:57:59] <~Leo> [redacted by TD]'s crossfit session must be over
[13:58:03] <~Leo> he's pumped
[13:58:09] <&Dan> nah. that's some diamond club troll.
[13:58:13] <&Dan> different guy.
[13:58:16] <ReverbMike> also Google
[13:58:21] <~Leo> I forgot about diamond club
[13:58:26] <DanOnimity> Either that or an insicuating troll
[13:58:30] <@Brad> trolls gonna troll
[13:58:33] <~Leo> no I think Dan is right
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