The editorial board of Total Drama found out that we are not welcome in the European Union. Angela Merkel personally deported us back to the slum of .org
and issued us a trespass warning.
Like Greece, we shall not take Merkel’s disrespect laying down. TotalDrama.Net is back and better than ever, ready to cover every soup-slurping, mic-muting, k-lining, host-firing moment of TWiT.
Call for Guest Writers
We can’t do this without you, the reader. We literally can’t because TWiT sucks so badly now that we can’t watch with the same frequency we used to. We rely on you for tips so we can go back and check the DVR to see what horrible thing they’ve done now and write about it.
This is still a lot of work for a small band of writers. We are calling on you to submit your own articles through the tip functionality of the site. If your writing/videos/images are good over several submissions, you will be given access to post to the site yourself. Give us a real email in this case (make a new anonymous one if you wish) so that we can get in touch with you.
Help us out and help us cover the “netcast” wasteland in Petaluma today!
PS: Gum says adding a picture makes a post more engaging. Did it work?