Site icon TWiT Total Drama

What Happens in an IRC?

Today I was in the Drama IRC (chatroom) and we were awed by the chatter in the #TWiTLive chatroom. It is quite funny actually. I realized that many of our readership has never been to #Soup’s chatroom and may think the people of TD.N exaggerate the depravity of the mods or sycopantiness of the sycophants.

This is an actual chat with some music for fun. #Soup pops in immediately when he sees negative discussions to correct people who have incorrect thoughts. The mods support everything #Soup does and enforce the notion that you must think how they think. This post is for those who have never seen this before. If the video version is too difficult for you, you can click the thumbnail below and see a long JPG.

Music by Xprime
Lyrics The Beatles

Ravings of a loon on the decline

Editors note* This is not a site about art, but we saw a piece that we thought really captured the direction of TWiT.

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