Total drama is not “Charlie Hebdo.” We don’t aspire to discussing the great issues of the day. In the end we set a low target, really low; TWiT.
We watch it obsessively, track Leo’s every mouthfull and even follow the escapades of the TWIT Freed.Tom Merritt, Iyaz Akhtar, Sarah Lane, Brian Brushwood, Justin Robert Young. And those who are Freed but refuse to leave, Chad Johnson being our current example.
And we post videos, cartoons, insulting articles and even more vile stuff. We post Twitter chats that have been leaked to us or unearthed by our cracked team of investigative reporters.
Has this engendered discussion? Yes.
Has TWiT changed as a result? Arguably no. In fact they seem to be worse.
So I think to really put TotalDrama over the top we need a real cartoonist. Someone who can do a hairy ass or exaggerated belly. We don’t pay much; actually nothing. But we can guarantee a lot of traffic and many insults.
If you are lucky Padre, Lisa or Leo will attempt a takedown.
email If that bounces it means our IT department is the worst on the planet.