Site icon TWiT Total Drama

Fare Yee Well

Please. if you work at TWiT, you need to be safe. Speaking about the network without explicit authorization has become dangerous to your careers.

All employees of TWiT must obey the network and not speak out.

Another one bites the dust.

Current employees, you must be careful who you associate with. You are only permitted to be friends with a certified list available at the TWiT HQ. BB&J were struck down for going public about their banning. They spoke the truth and that was dealt with accordingly. Now Shannon is being handled for having the audacity to be open on QFP and NA or was it an “lol” at a tweeted joke.  Was her crime really tweeting “lol.” Is that it? Can we not think of millions of awful things #soup has said.

Gina Trapani has had her (first) name mocked. Why, Seinfeld devoted an entire episode to a female name… Apple employees best be careful of the Tim Cook joke.

The arrogance in the following statement is scary:

 [21:27:49] <~Leo> and we have another host who has decided to act very negatively toward me

And people of Drama, please, let us keep our actions lawful and civil, think about what we do in keeping with the one and only mission of spreading truth. Laugh, joke and mock but lets not get carried away. Firing people is not a crime nor is filling the airwaves with propaganda. Just get the truth out. (Leo is not Saddam Hussein and the mods are not Nazis)

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