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Lame-ass idiot looks for help doing his job

The lazy motherfucker known as Mike Elgan is now too feeble apparently to do his own job. So he’s turned to his Google Plus “community” to get them to do his work for him. Here’s part of the text from his desperate plea:

Are you GREAT at finding breaking news
before anyone else does?
I’m assembling a Google+ community of obsessed breaking news hounds — people who are able to cultivate various online sources of breaking news and post breaking news before almost anyone else.
The purpose of this community will be to crowdsource breaking news for an upcoming ticker that will appear on the live TWiT feed 27/7.

So fucking lame: Elgan has turned to Google Plus for help in doing his job.

The Dumbgum is now asking for help gathering tech news, but his “fans” are turning on him in the comments section of his own forum:

Darryl Barnes
 Feb 7, 2015
Meh. I stopped caring about breaking tech news two years ago. I mean unless you count lego mindstorms and Arduino/ microcontroller news.. dammit that’s tech… I dunno sift through my stream. I post a lot of robotics stuff most of the robotics stuff gets more than enough reshares and is usually shared about 20min after the source.
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